
Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Fwd: Subject: Historical Intelligence Report - Nazism, Racism, and LGBTQ Bigotry in Canada [Unclassified]

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From: Marie Landry <>
Date: Wed, Sep 27, 2023, 9:26 PM
Subject: Subject: Historical Intelligence Report - Nazism, Racism, and LGBTQ Bigotry in Canada [Unclassified]
To: Prime Minister | Premier Ministre <>

Subject: Historical Intelligence Report - Nazism, Racism, and LGBTQ Bigotry in Canada

To: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

From: Marie Landry

Date: September 27, 2023

This historical intelligence report aims to provide you with an overview of the historical context of Nazism, racism, and LGBTQ bigotry in Canada, shedding light on their interconnectedness and the need for proactive measures to combat them. Additionally, a concise business plan is outlined to make Nazism even more illegal in Canada and globally.

Part 1: Historical Context

1. Rise of Nazism:
The rise of Nazism in Canada is an unfortunate chapter in our history. During the mid-20th century, Canadian Nazi sympathizers and propagandists played a role in promoting Nazi ideologies and hate speech. This era was marked by the dissemination of extremist literature, rallies, and even covert Nazi cells within Canada.

2. Racism in Canada:
Racism has been ingrained in Canadian history, with Indigenous peoples, Black Canadians, and other minority groups facing systemic discrimination. The Indian Residential School system, the Chinese Head Tax, and the treatment of Japanese Canadians during World War II are dark examples of this historical racism.

3. LGBTQ Bigotry:
Canada has made significant progress in LGBTQ rights, but bigotry and discrimination persisted for many years. The decriminalization of homosexuality in 1969 and the LGBTQ rights movement in the 1980s and 1990s marked crucial turning points in our nation's history.

Part 2: A Business Plan to Combat Nazism

To make Nazism even more illegal in Canada and globally by strengthening legal frameworks, increasing awareness, and fostering international cooperation.


1. Legislative Enhancement:
   a. Review and amend existing hate speech and hate crime legislation to specifically include Nazism as a prohibited ideology.
   b. Collaborate with legal experts, human rights organizations, and community leaders to draft comprehensive legislation.

2. Education and Awareness:
   a. Launch nationwide public awareness campaigns highlighting the dangers of Nazism and its connection to racism and bigotry.
   b. Introduce educational programs in schools and universities to teach about the historical consequences of Nazism.

3. International Cooperation:
   a. Work closely with international partners to share best practices in combating Nazism.
   b. Advocate for the inclusion of Nazism as a recognized form of extremism in international forums.

4. Reporting Mechanisms:
   a. Establish a dedicated reporting mechanism for incidents related to Nazism, ensuring swift and appropriate responses.
   b. Encourage citizens to report suspected Nazi activities anonymously.

5. Law Enforcement Training:
   a. Provide specialized training to law enforcement agencies to identify and combat Nazism effectively.
   b. Foster cooperation between law enforcement and community organizations to monitor and address Nazism.

6. Multilateral Agreements:
   a. Pursue international agreements that criminalize Nazism and provide a framework for extradition of individuals involved in Nazi activities.

Nazism, racism, and LGBTQ bigotry have left lasting scars on our nation's history. It is our responsibility to ensure that Canada remains a place where such ideologies are unequivocally condemned. By implementing the strategies outlined in this business plan, we can take significant steps toward eradicating Nazism, promoting tolerance, and safeguarding our shared values.


Marie Landry

As an addendum to the global anti-fascist peace mission aimed at prohibiting organized Nazism and related hate speech, it is essential to outline specific goals and objectives to ensure the success of this endeavor. Here is a list of additional goals:

1. **International Treaty on Nazism and Hate Speech:** Work towards the establishment of an international treaty that unequivocally condemns Nazism as a form of extremism and explicitly defines hate speech related to Nazism as a criminal offense.

2. **Global Database and Information Sharing:** Create a centralized database for tracking and sharing information on individuals and organizations associated with Nazism and hate speech. Encourage countries to contribute data and intelligence to facilitate global cooperation.

3. **Counter Online Propaganda:** Collaborate with tech companies and social media platforms to develop and enforce strict policies against the dissemination of Nazi propaganda and hate speech online. Implement AI-driven algorithms to detect and remove such content promptly.

4. **Support for Victims:** Allocate resources to provide support and protection for victims of Nazism and hate speech, including counseling, legal aid, and relocation assistance if necessary.

5. **Holocaust Education:** Promote Holocaust education and remembrance programs worldwide to ensure that the horrors of Nazism are never forgotten, and lessons are learned from history.

6. **Diplomatic Pressure:** Use diplomatic channels to exert pressure on countries that fail to take appropriate action against organized Nazism and hate speech within their borders, including economic and political sanctions if necessary.

7. **Financial Investigations:** Coordinate international efforts to track and freeze the assets of individuals and organizations funding or supporting organized Nazism and related hate speech.

8. **Community Engagement:** Foster dialogue and engagement between affected communities, civil society organizations, and law enforcement agencies to build trust, share information, and work together to combat Nazism and hate speech.

9. **Research and Analysis:** Invest in research and analysis to understand the evolving tactics and strategies of organized Nazism, enabling governments to respond effectively.

10. **Annual Global Summit:** Organize an annual international summit on countering organized Nazism and hate speech, bringing together leaders, experts, and advocates to share best practices and coordinate efforts.

11. **Youth Outreach:** Develop educational programs and outreach initiatives targeting young people to promote tolerance, diversity, and critical thinking, countering the appeal of extremist ideologies.

12. **Whistleblower Protection:** Implement robust whistleblower protection mechanisms to encourage individuals with knowledge of organized Nazism and hate speech to come forward without fear of retaliation.

13. **Media Responsibility:** Encourage responsible reporting by the media, ensuring that hate speech and extremist ideologies are not given undue platforms for dissemination.

14. **Public Support and Engagement:** Foster public support and engagement in the mission through awareness campaigns, community events, and grassroots initiatives.

15. **Long-Term Commitment:** Recognize that eradicating organized Nazism and hate speech is a long-term commitment, requiring sustained effort and vigilance.

These additional goals, when integrated into the global anti-fascist peace mission, can strengthen international cooperation and enhance the effectiveness of efforts to prohibit organized Nazism and related hate speech worldwide.

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