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Thursday, April 11, 2024

The Universal Declaration for the Decriminalization and Legalization of Cannabis

### The Universal Declaration for the Decriminalization and Legalization of Cannabis


Acknowledging the historical and cultural significance of cannabis used across civilizations for medicinal, spiritual, industrial, and recreational purposes. Recognizing the unjust consequences of prohibition, including social injustice, economic disparity, and the infringement of personal freedoms. Emphasizing the importance of equitable regulation, public health, harm reduction, and the responsible use of cannabis.

**Article 1: Right to Autonomy**

Every individual has the right to personal autonomy regarding the consumption, cultivation, possession, and distribution of cannabis, as long as these actions do not harm others or violate public safety.

**Article 2: Right to Access**

Individuals shall have the right to access cannabis, whether for medicinal, spiritual, or recreational purposes, without discrimination and within the bounds of law.

**Article 3: Right to Fair Regulation**

Cannabis shall be regulated in a manner that ensures safety, quality, and equity. Regulations should support public health and safety while providing fair economic opportunities for all communities, especially those historically impacted by prohibition.

**Article 4: Right to Non-Discrimination**

No person shall face discrimination in employment, education, housing, or any other rights and services based on their legal use of cannabis.

**Article 5: Right to Medical Use**

Individuals have the right to use cannabis for medical purposes, where scientifically justified. This includes the right to consult with knowledgeable healthcare providers and access necessary cannabis-based treatments.

**Article 6: Right to Environmental Stewardship**

Cannabis cultivation and production should promote environmental sustainability, minimizing harm and conserving natural resources.

**Article 7: Right to Cultural Practices**

Respecting the rich cultural heritage associated with cannabis, individuals and communities have the right to maintain traditional practices involving cannabis in a manner consistent with public health and moral considerations.

**Article 8: Right to Research and Innovation**

Support for scientific research and innovation in the field of cannabis is essential. This includes exploring its medical benefits, industrial uses, and social implications.

**Article 9: Right to Consumer Protection**

Consumers of cannabis have the right to transparency, accurate information, and protection from harmful practices in the marketing and distribution of cannabis products.

**Article 10: International Cooperation**

Encouraging international cooperation to establish fair, evidence-based cannabis policies that respect the principles of this Declaration and contribute to global health and justice.


This Declaration asserts these principles as a common standard for all people and nations, to promote the recognition and effective realization of these rights and freedoms. It calls upon all nations to incorporate these principles into their national legislation in a manner that ensures comprehensive and life-enhancing cannabis reform.

**Marie Seshat Landry**
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