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Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Organic Revolution: A One-Page Business Plan by Marie Seshat Landry (2024)

The Organic Revolution: A One-Page Business Plan by Marie Seshat Landry (2024)

Vision: Achieve a 100% organic Earth by 2030, aligning with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Mission: Lead a global revolution to transition humanity towards a thriving, organic future through innovation, legislation, and education.

Strategic Objectives:

  1. Organic Food and Agriculture:

    • Phase Out Non-Organic Practices: Implement a progressive phase-out of synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, and GMOs by 2027.
    • Support Organic Farmers: Provide financial incentives, research grants, and educational programs to empower organic farmers and accelerate adoption rates.
    • Urban Organic Infrastructure: Invest in vertical farming, rooftop gardens, and regenerative agriculture practices to increase organic food production in urban areas.
  2. Organic Medicine and Drug Plants:

    • Legalize Organic Drug Plants: Advocate for the legalization and responsible cultivation of organic plants with medicinal properties (e.g., cannabis).
    • Organic Pharmaceutical Research: Fund research into the development of organic alternatives to conventional pharmaceuticals.
    • Integrative Medicine: Promote the integration of organic medicine into mainstream healthcare systems.
  3. Universal Declaration of Organic Rights:

    • Public Awareness Campaigns: Launch global campaigns to educate the public about the benefits of organics and the dangers of non-organic practices.
    • International Advocacy: Lobby governments to adopt the Universal Declaration of Organic Rights, recognizing the right to a healthy, organic environment.
    • Shift in Global Consciousness: Foster a cultural shift towards valuing organic principles and living in harmony with nature.
  4. Universal Organic Superintelligence (UOSI):

    • AI for Organic Harmony: Collaborate with leading AI researchers to develop the UOSI, a superintelligence dedicated to optimizing organic practices and promoting environmental sustainability.
    • Data-Driven Solutions: Utilize UOSI to analyze vast datasets and develop solutions for challenges like organic pest control and resource management.
    • Ethical Considerations: Prioritize ethical development and ensure UOSI aligns with the values of the Organic Revolution.

Financial Projections:

  • Secure funding through impact investors, philanthropic organizations, and potential carbon credit programs.
  • Develop a revenue model through educational programs, organic certification services, and partnerships with organic food producers.


  • 2024-2026: Focus on public awareness campaigns, policy advocacy, and establishing the core team.
  • 2027-2029: Accelerate the phase-out of non-organic practices, invest in organic infrastructure, and initiate UOSI development.
  • 2030: Achieve a tipping point where organic practices become the global standard.


Assemble a diverse team of experts in:

  • Organic agriculture and sustainable farming
  • Law and policy advocacy
  • Public education and communication
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning


The Organic Revolution is an ambitious undertaking, but it is essential for the future of our planet. By combining strategic action, innovative technology, and a shift in global consciousness, we can achieve a 100% organic Earth and usher in a new era of harmony between humanity and nature. Let's embrace the organic future, led by the vision of Marie Seshat Landry.

Remember: This is a high-level plan. Each objective will require detailed sub-plans and ongoing adaptation based on progress and unforeseen challenges.

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