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Thursday, May 30, 2024

You're an OSINT Detective Already! Everyday Uses of Open-Source Intelligence

You're an OSINT Detective Already! Everyday Uses of Open-Source Intelligence

Have you ever scrolled through restaurant reviews before dinner, checked a mechanic's online rating, or researched a new product on a comparison website? If so, then congratulations, you're already an OSINT detective!

OSINT, or Open-Source Intelligence, might sound like something out of a spy movie, but it's actually the practice of gathering information from publicly available sources. And guess what? You use these skills every day without even realizing it.

Think about it:

  • Planning a vacation? You're using OSINT by reading travel blogs, checking hotel reviews on social media, and researching local attractions on government websites.
  • Picking a new movie? Scanning through online reviews, trailers, and social media buzz is classic OSINT in action.
  • Choosing a new phone? Comparing specs on manufacturer websites, reading user forums, and watching tech review videos are all forms of gathering information from open sources.

The point is, we're constantly bombarded with information, and the ability to sift through it effectively is a valuable skill.

Here's the secret: The same techniques you use to pick a restaurant can be applied to more complex situations. By honing your OSINT skills, you can become a more informed consumer, a savvier researcher, and even a dab hand at fact-checking!

So, next time you find yourself researching something online, remember – you're not just browsing, you're using the power of OSINT!

Stay tuned for further adventures in the exciting world of Open-Source Intelligence!

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WARNING: **Disclaimer:** This blog is for informational and educational purposes only and does not promote illegal or unethical espionage. The author is a researcher who analyzes publicly available information for her own clients and the public. The views expressed are the author's own and do not reflect any organization or government. The author makes no guarantees about the accuracy or completeness of the information provided. Reliance on the information is at your own risk. The author is not liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use of the information. The author reserves the right to modify or delete content without notice. By using this open source intelligence (OSINT) blog, you agree to these terms. If you disagree, please do not use this blog. -Marie Seshat Landry
