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Saturday, June 29, 2024

New Pyramids - Moncton NB Feasibility Study and Project Planning Outline

Conducting a detailed feasibility study and project planning for constructing the New Pyramids project in Moncton requires a comprehensive analysis of several factors. Here's a structured approach:

### Feasibility Study

#### 1. Project Description

- **Objective:** To build an autonomous vertical organic aeroponic garden using hemp-derived materials, capable of feeding 1 million people and producing its own electricity.

- **Location:** Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada.

#### 2. Market Analysis

- **Demand:** Assess the demand for organic produce in New Brunswick. Consider population growth, dietary trends, and local food security needs.

- **Competition:** Evaluate existing local food production capabilities, including traditional farming and other vertical farming projects.

- **Supply Chain:** Identify suppliers for hemp-derived materials, aeroponic systems, and renewable energy components.

#### 3. Technical Analysis

- **Site Selection:** Choose an optimal location considering land cost, accessibility, and proximity to infrastructure.

- **Design and Engineering:** Develop preliminary architectural and engineering designs.

- **Technology:** Evaluate and select aeroponic systems, renewable energy solutions (solar panels, wind turbines), and HDCNS composites.

#### 4. Financial Analysis

- **Cost Estimates:** Refine cost estimates for land acquisition, construction, equipment, labor, and operational costs.

- **Revenue Projections:** Estimate potential revenue from selling organic produce and any surplus energy generated.

- **Funding Sources:** Identify potential funding sources, including grants, loans, and investors.

#### 5. Risk Analysis

- **Environmental Risks:** Assess potential environmental impacts and necessary mitigation measures.

- **Economic Risks:** Consider market fluctuations, cost overruns, and potential delays.

- **Regulatory Risks:** Identify regulatory requirements and potential obstacles.

### Project Planning

#### Phase 1: Preliminary Planning

1. **Site Selection and Land Acquisition**

   - Conduct a detailed site analysis.

   - Negotiate land purchase agreements.

2. **Design and Engineering**

   - Hire architectural and engineering firms.

   - Develop detailed designs and blueprints.

   - Obtain necessary permits and approvals.

#### Phase 2: Construction

1. **Preparation**

   - Clear and prepare the site.

   - Set up temporary facilities for construction crews.

2. **Building Structure**

   - Construct the foundation using hempcrete.

   - Erect the main structure with HDCNS composites.

   - Install insulation, plumbing, and electrical systems.

3. **Vertical Farming Installation**

   - Set up aeroponic systems.

   - Install lighting, irrigation, and climate control systems.

4. **Renewable Energy Systems**

   - Install solar panels and wind turbines.

   - Set up battery storage and grid connection.

#### Phase 3: Commissioning and Testing

1. **System Integration**

   - Integrate all systems (farming, energy, control).

   - Test and troubleshoot systems.

2. **Staff Training**

   - Hire and train staff to operate the facility.

   - Develop standard operating procedures.

3. **Initial Production**

   - Start initial planting and production.

   - Monitor and adjust systems as needed.

#### Phase 4: Operations

1. **Full Production**

   - Ramp up to full production capacity.

   - Implement marketing and distribution strategies.

2. **Monitoring and Maintenance**

   - Regularly monitor system performance.

   - Conduct routine maintenance and updates.

3. **Continuous Improvement**

   - Gather data on production efficiency.

   - Implement improvements based on data analysis.

### Detailed Cost Estimates

#### Land Acquisition

- **Cost:** CAD 1,000,000

#### Design and Planning

- **Architectural and Engineering Fees:** CAD 2,000,000

- **Permits and Approvals:** CAD 500,000

#### Construction

- **HDCNS Composites:** CAD 70,000,000

- **Hempcrete and Hemp Plastics:** CAD 30,000,000

- **Labor:** CAD 80,000,000

#### Vertical Farming Equipment

- **Aeroponic Systems:** CAD 30,000,000

- **Lighting and Control Systems:** CAD 15,000,000

#### Renewable Energy Systems

- **Solar Panels and Wind Turbines:** CAD 20,000,000

- **Battery Storage:** CAD 10,000,000

#### Operational Costs (First Year)

- **Labor, Maintenance, Utilities:** CAD 10,000,000

#### Contingency and Miscellaneous

- **Contingency Fund:** CAD 20,000,000

### Total Estimated Cost:

- **Total:** CAD 288,500,000

### Project Timeline

- **Phase 1: Preliminary Planning:** 6 months

- **Phase 2: Construction:** 18-24 months

- **Phase 3: Commissioning and Testing:** 3-6 months

- **Phase 4: Operations:** Ongoing

### Conclusion

The feasibility study and project planning outline a comprehensive approach to building the New Pyramids project in Moncton. With an estimated cost of CAD 288,500,000 and a timeline of approximately 2.5 to 3 years, this project aims to significantly impact local food security and sustainability. Detailed planning, risk management, and continuous improvement will be critical to its success.

**Marie Seshat Landry**
* CEO / OSINT Spymaster
* Marie Landry's Spy Shop
* Email:
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