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Declaration of Canadian Independence -DRAFT

Declaration of Canadian Independence DRAFT

July 14, 2024


When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one nation to dissolve the political bonds which have connected it with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


We, the people of Canada, united in purpose and determination, hereby declare our full independence from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This declaration is not born out of animosity, but out of a profound respect for the principles of self-governance and national sovereignty.


While we acknowledge and appreciate the shared history, culture, and values that have bound our nations together, we recognize that the time has come for Canada to stand as a sovereign and equal nation among the community of nations. The following are our grievances and justifications for this Declaration of Independence:

  1. Sovereignty and Self-Governance: Canada must have the ultimate authority to govern itself, free from external influence and control, to better serve the interests and welfare of its people.
  2. Economic Autonomy: Canada must have the ability to establish its own economic policies, trade agreements, and financial regulations to ensure the prosperity and stability of its economy.
  3. Cultural Identity: Canada must have the freedom to promote and preserve its unique cultural heritage and identity without external interference.
  4. Legislative Independence: Canada must have the exclusive right to enact laws and regulations that reflect the will of its people, independent of external legislative bodies.

Commitment to Friendship and Alliance

Despite this declaration of independence, we affirm our continued commitment to maintaining a strong and amicable relationship with the United Kingdom. We recognize the historical and familial bonds that unite our nations and express our desire to remain steadfast allies.

  1. Mutual Respect: We pledge to treat the United Kingdom with the utmost respect, recognizing our shared values and common interests.
  2. Cooperation: We will continue to cooperate with the United Kingdom on matters of mutual concern, including security, trade, and global challenges.
  3. Support and Solidarity: We will stand by the United Kingdom as an ally, supporting each other in times of need and working together to promote peace, stability, and prosperity globally.


We, therefore, the representatives of the people of Canada, assembled in unity and purpose, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name and by the authority of the good people of this nation, solemnly publish and declare that Canada is, and of right ought to be, a free and independent nation. We hereby absolve all allegiance to the British Crown and affirm that all political connection between Canada and the United Kingdom is and ought to be totally dissolved.

As a free and independent nation, we pledge to uphold the principles of democracy, justice, and equality, ensuring that our actions are always guided by the best interests of the Canadian people. In witness whereof, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.


Marie Seshat Landry

On behalf of the people of Canada

Date: July 14, 2024
