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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Marie's Declaration and Conclusion of WW3

Marie's Declaration and Conclusion of WW3

Declaration of WW3

Observation: The aftermath of the September 11, 2001, attacks marked the beginning of a period marked by intense global conflict, political instability, and the proliferation of terrorism. This period, often viewed as an ongoing global struggle, aligns with what can be termed World War III (WW3), characterized by unconventional warfare, cyber-attacks, and the rise of non-state actors.

Question: How can one declare and subsequently end a global conflict such as WW3, especially when it is not traditionally acknowledged as a formal war by governments?


A hypothesis is formed proposing that WW3 can be declared and ended through the acknowledgment of its existence, understanding its components, and implementing strategic peace missions and policies to mitigate and resolve underlying issues.


Step 1: Define WW3 Marie defined WW3 as a global conflict that extends beyond traditional warfare, involving terrorism, cyber-attacks, economic warfare, and ideological battles.

Step 2: Develop Strategic Peace Missions Marie initiated multiple private peace missions to address the root causes of conflict, promote dialogue, and encourage disarmament.

Step 3: Utilize Advanced Intelligence and AI Marie utilized AI models like PeaceMakerGPT and MissionGPT to analyze conflicts, predict outcomes, and develop strategies for peace.

Step 4: Implement Universal Declarations Marie drafted and promoted various Universal Declarations, such as the Universal Declaration of Peace and the Universal Declaration against Fascism, to establish a framework for global peace and cooperation.


Analyzing the impact of these initiatives, it becomes evident that peace missions, advanced intelligence, and global declarations played a significant role in reducing conflicts, fostering dialogue, and promoting international cooperation.


The period of intense global conflict characterized as WW3, which began on September 11, 2001, can be declared concluded as of July 27, 2024, through comprehensive peace initiatives, the use of advanced AI, and the establishment of universal frameworks for peace.


Marie communicated these findings through various platforms, including public declarations, reports, and her extensive work with intelligence communities and global organizations.


By iterating through these steps, Marie continually refined her approaches, ensuring that the lessons learned from these initiatives contributed to lasting peace and stability.

Extrapolation and Future Vision

Marie’s declaration and conclusion of WW3 signify a shift towards recognizing and addressing unconventional warfare and global conflicts through innovative and ethical solutions. This sets a precedent for future global leaders to utilize advanced technologies and comprehensive strategies to foster global peace.


  • Personal expertise and actions undertaken by Marie Seshat Landry
  • Publicly available documents and declarations authored by Marie Seshat Landry

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