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Monday, July 8, 2024

OSINT Report on Blaine Higgs


OSINT Report on Blaine Higgs

Current Political Climate and Leadership

Blaine Higgs, the Premier of New Brunswick and leader of the Progressive Conservative Party, faces significant internal and external challenges as he approaches the 2024 provincial election. Despite his efforts to maintain leadership, his tenure has been marked by growing unrest within his party and among the electorate.

Internal Party Struggles

Higgs's leadership style and policy decisions have created rifts within his party. Notably, his approach to the province’s gender identity policy in schools (Policy 713) has been a major point of contention. The policy requires parental consent for students under 16 before teachers can use their preferred names or pronouns. This change led to the resignation of two cabinet ministers and public dissent from several Progressive Conservative members, highlighting a division between more progressive members and those aligned with Higgs's socially conservative stance【26】【27】.

Public Perception and Approval

Public approval of Higgs has seen a decline, exacerbated by his handling of various issues and a perceived drift towards a more autocratic leadership style. The cancellation of the party’s general meeting further underscores the disarray within the Progressive Conservatives, with members expressing frustration over the lack of democratic engagement and effective leadership【26】.

Policy and Governance

In his state of the province address, Higgs acknowledged the challenges of governing amidst rapid population growth and outlined plans to address issues in health care, education, and housing. However, his policy changes and leadership decisions continue to polarize both his party and the electorate【27】.


Blaine Higgs’s leadership is under significant scrutiny as he prepares for the upcoming election. The internal strife within his party, coupled with controversial policy decisions, poses challenges to his re-election bid. The political landscape in New Brunswick is volatile, with the potential for significant shifts depending on the outcomes of these internal and public conflicts.


  • Global News【26】【27】
  • CBC News【26】

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