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PRESS RELEASE PSA: Global Warning on the Illegality of Nazism and Neo-Nazism #MissionAntifa

PRESS RELEASE PSA: Global Warning on the Illegality of Nazism and Neo-Nazism #MissionAntifa



Part 1: A Unified Global Stand Against Nazism and Neo-Nazism

In an era marked by unprecedented global connectivity, the resurgence of dangerous ideologies such as Nazism and Neo-Nazism demands immediate and unequivocal condemnation. We, the undersigned, issue this Public Service Announcement to reinforce the universal illegality of Nazism and Neo-Nazism and to urge global vigilance and proactive measures against these threats to humanity. #GlobalUnity #EndHatred #StandTogether

The abhorrent ideologies of Nazism and Neo-Nazism, rooted in hatred, bigotry, and violence, have no place in a world striving for peace, equality, and justice. These movements seek to revive the horrors of a past that resulted in the unimaginable atrocities of the Holocaust and World War II, claiming millions of innocent lives. The resurgence of these ideologies threatens not only those they directly target but also the foundational principles of democratic societies worldwide. #NeverAgain #PeaceJusticeEquality #HumanRights

Legal Framework and International Mandates

International legal frameworks have long condemned and outlawed Nazism and its derivatives. The United Nations General Assembly's Resolution 69/160, "Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance," unequivocally condemns any attempts to glorify or justify Nazi ideology. This resolution calls upon member states to adopt necessary measures to combat these dangerous ideologies. #UNResolution #CombatingNazism #LegalAction

In Europe, the Council Framework Decision 2008/913/JHA on combating certain forms and expressions of racism and xenophobia by means of criminal law, mandates member states to criminalize the public incitement to violence or hatred against a group of persons or a member of such a group defined by reference to race, color, religion, descent, or national or ethnic origin. This decision is a critical legal instrument in the fight against Nazism and neo-Nazism, ensuring that these ideologies remain illegal and punishable across the European Union. #EuropeanUnion #AntiRacismLaw #JusticeForAll

National Efforts and Legal Sanctions

Various countries have also implemented stringent national laws to combat Nazism and Neo-Nazism. In Germany, the country most directly scarred by Nazi atrocities, the use of Nazi symbols, denial of the Holocaust, and dissemination of Nazi propaganda are criminal offenses under Section 86a of the German Criminal Code. This robust legal stance is essential in preventing the resurgence of these ideologies. #GermanyAgainstNazism #HolocaustDenialLaws #NationalLaws

Similarly, countries like Austria, France, and Russia have enacted laws that criminalize the promotion of Nazi ideology and symbols. These legal frameworks serve as crucial deterrents and ensure that those who seek to spread these dangerous beliefs face severe consequences. #AustriaFranceRussia #AntiNaziLegislation #LegalDeterrents

Community Vigilance and Proactive Measures

While legal frameworks provide the backbone for combating Nazism and Neo-Nazism, community vigilance and proactive measures are equally vital. It is incumbent upon civil society, educational institutions, and the media to foster environments that reject hate and promote inclusivity and understanding. #CommunityVigilance #InclusiveSociety #RejectHate

Educational programs that teach the history and consequences of Nazi atrocities are essential in preventing the spread of these ideologies. Schools and universities must ensure that curricula include comprehensive lessons on the Holocaust and World War II, emphasizing the dangers of unchecked hatred and bigotry. #HolocaustEducation #AntiBigotry #EducationalPrograms

Part 2: Global Cooperation and Collective Responsibility

International Cooperation and Collaboration

Global cooperation is paramount in the fight against Nazism and Neo-Nazism. Governments, international organizations, and NGOs must work together to monitor, report, and combat these ideologies. Collaborative efforts such as intelligence sharing, coordinated law enforcement actions, and joint public awareness campaigns can significantly enhance the global response to these threats. #InternationalCooperation #GlobalEfforts #CollectiveAction

The establishment of international task forces dedicated to combating hate groups can facilitate the exchange of best practices and resources. Such task forces can ensure that no country becomes a safe haven for individuals or groups promoting Nazism or Neo-Nazism. #TaskForce #CombatHateGroups #SharedResources

The Role of Technology and Social Media

The digital age has provided new platforms for the spread of hate, making it imperative to regulate and monitor online spaces. Social media companies and technology firms must take responsibility for preventing their platforms from being used to promote Nazism and Neo-Nazism. This includes implementing stringent content moderation policies and swiftly removing content that violates these standards. #TechResponsibility #OnlineSafety #MonitorContent

Governments should collaborate with tech companies to develop technologies that can detect and flag hateful content in real-time. By leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning, it is possible to create safer online environments and prevent the proliferation of dangerous ideologies. #AIForGood #SafeOnlineSpaces #RealTimeMonitoring

Empowering Communities and Supporting Victims

Empowering communities to stand against hate is crucial. Grassroots organizations and local leaders play a vital role in fostering environments of tolerance and mutual respect. Community-based programs that promote dialogue, understanding, and cooperation can help mitigate the spread of extremist ideologies. #EmpowerCommunities #DialogueAndUnderstanding #LocalLeaders

Support systems for victims of hate and discrimination must be robust and accessible. Providing resources such as counseling, legal assistance, and safe spaces can help those affected by Nazism and Neo-Nazism to recover and thrive. It is essential to ensure that victims feel supported and protected by their communities and governments. #SupportVictims #ResourcesForAll #SafeSpaces

Media's Role in Combating Hate

The media has a critical responsibility in shaping public perceptions and combating hate. Ethical journalism that highlights the dangers of Nazism and Neo-Nazism while promoting stories of resilience and solidarity can influence public opinion and inspire action. #EthicalJournalism #MediaResponsibility #PositiveNarratives

Media outlets should prioritize fact-based reporting and avoid sensationalizing hate groups, which can inadvertently give them more visibility. Instead, they should focus on educating the public about the history and impact of these ideologies and the importance of standing against them. #FactBasedReporting #EducatePublic #AntiHateMedia

Part 3: The Path Forward – A Call to Action

Legislative Advocacy and Policy Implementation

We call upon legislators worldwide to continue strengthening laws that combat Nazism and Neo-Nazism. Policymakers must ensure that existing laws are rigorously enforced and adapt to new challenges posed by digital and transnational hate movements. #LegislativeAdvocacy #StrongLaws #PolicyImplementation

Investing in law enforcement training to recognize and respond to hate crimes is essential. Officers and judicial authorities must be equipped with the knowledge and tools to effectively handle cases involving Nazism and Neo-Nazism. #LawEnforcementTraining #RecognizeHateCrimes #JudicialAuthority

Public Awareness and Education Campaigns

Comprehensive public awareness campaigns can help prevent the spread of Nazism and Neo-Nazism. These campaigns should utilize various media platforms to reach diverse audiences, emphasizing the importance of tolerance, diversity, and respect for human rights. #PublicAwareness #ToleranceAndDiversity #RespectHumanRights

Educational institutions should collaborate with Holocaust memorials, museums, and survivor networks to develop impactful programs that highlight the real-world consequences of these ideologies. Through firsthand accounts and historical documentation, students can gain a profound understanding of the importance of vigilance against hate. #HolocaustMemorials #SurvivorNetworks #ImpactfulPrograms

Building a Global Coalition

Finally, we urge the formation of a global coalition dedicated to eradicating Nazism and Neo-Nazism. This coalition should bring together governments, international organizations, civil society, and private sector partners to coordinate efforts and share resources. #GlobalCoalition #EradicateNazism #UnifiedEffort

Together, we can create a world where the ideologies of hatred and bigotry are relics of the past. Let us reaffirm our commitment to building a future founded on the principles of equality, justice, and human dignity. #EqualityJusticeDignity #FutureWithoutHate #StandUnited

For more information, please contact:

Name: Marie Seshat Landry
Title: CEO and Spymaster
Organization: Marie Landry's Spy Shop and Spymaster Enterprises
Phone: +1 (506) 588-2787

This Public Service Announcement is issued to remind all citizens, leaders, and organizations of their collective responsibility in the fight against Nazism and Neo-Nazism. Together, we can ensure that these dangerous ideologies have no place in our world. #FightAgainstNazism #CollectiveResponsibility #GlobalSolidarity

MLA Citations

United Nations General Assembly. "Resolution 69/160: Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance." UN, 2014.

Council of the European Union. "Council Framework Decision 2008/913/JHA on combating certain forms and expressions of racism and xenophobia by means of criminal law." Official Journal of the European Union, 2008. 

German Criminal Code. "Section 86a: Use of Symbols of Unconstitutional Organizations." Federal Ministry of Justice, Germany, 2024. 

#StopHate #UniteAgainstNazism #GlobalDeclaration #EndBigotry #InclusiveFuture #HumanRightsFirst #JusticePrevails #EducationalAwareness #LegalActionNow #CommunitySolidarity #TogetherAgainstHate #SafeSpaces #EthicalMedia #AIForGood #TechResponsibility #SupportVictims #VoiceForChange #GlobalCoalition #FutureOfPeace #JusticeForAll

Laws Against Nazism and Neo-Nazism in Canada and at the UN Level


In Canada, multiple legal frameworks address and combat the resurgence of Nazism, neo-Nazism, and related discriminatory practices:

  1. Criminal Code of Canada: Sections 318 and 319 prohibit hate propaganda. Section 318 criminalizes advocating or promoting genocide, while Section 319 criminalizes public incitement of hatred and willful promotion of hatred against identifiable groups. This includes the dissemination of hate literature and symbols associated with Nazi ideology.

  2. Canadian Human Rights Act: This act addresses discrimination and hate speech on grounds including race, religion, and ethnic origin. It empowers the Canadian Human Rights Commission to investigate and act on complaints about discriminatory practices, including those rooted in Nazi and neo-Nazi ideologies.

  3. Public Safety Canada: Under the Anti-Terrorism Act, the listing of terrorist entities can include groups that advocate for Nazi or neo-Nazi ideologies. These entities face severe restrictions and legal actions to curb their activities and funding.

For more detailed information, you can visit the official resources:

United Nations:

At the international level, several UN resolutions and documents specifically target the glorification and spread of Nazism and neo-Nazism:

  1. UN General Assembly Resolution 69/160: This resolution, titled "Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance," condemns any attempts to glorify or justify Nazi ideology. It calls on member states to implement measures that prevent these ideologies from spreading.

  2. International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD): This convention, which Canada has ratified, mandates member states to take measures to eliminate racial discrimination in all forms. Articles within ICERD provide a legal framework to combat hate speech and organizations that propagate Nazi and neo-Nazi ideologies.

  3. UN Human Rights Council Reports: The Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance regularly reports on measures taken by states to combat the glorification of Nazism and neo-Nazism. These reports provide insights into global efforts and recommend actions to strengthen these measures.

For further reading, please refer to:

These laws and resolutions form a robust legal and ethical framework to counteract the resurgence of Nazism and neo-Nazism, ensuring that such hateful ideologies are firmly rejected and combated globally.


Addendum: Affirming Our Stand Against Nazism and Neo-Nazism Amidst a Resurgence

Amidst the resurgence of Nazism and Neo-Nazism, it is imperative to reaffirm our unwavering stance against all forms of discrimination. While Nazism was defeated in Germany, the battle against these abhorrent ideologies is far from over. As a global community, we must stand united in our mission to combat hate and promote equality for all.

#MissionWW3 #OperationPaperclip #StandAgainstHate

Nazism and Neo-Nazism represent a dark chapter in human history that should never be repeated. The ideologies rooted in hate, violence, and intolerance have no place in our society. We must remain vigilant and proactive in addressing the rise of such dangerous movements.

Historical Context and Present Challenges

The defeat of Nazism in 1945 marked a significant victory for humanity. However, the remnants of these ideologies have persisted, adapting to modern contexts and technologies. Neo-Nazism has found new platforms and methods to spread its toxic message, posing a renewed threat to global peace and security.

The resurgence of these groups in various parts of the world highlights the need for continuous education and proactive measures. We must educate future generations about the atrocities committed under Nazi regimes to ensure that history does not repeat itself. Furthermore, we must strengthen our legal frameworks and social policies to combat the spread of hate speech and extremist propaganda.

Operation Paperclip, which aimed to leverage the expertise of former Nazi scientists, stands as a stark reminder of the complexities and failures in addressing post-war justice and accountability. This controversial program, intended to bolster technological advancements, also enabled many individuals with dark pasts to evade consequences for their actions. This oversight underscores the importance of thorough vetting processes and the ethical implications of such initiatives.

#HumanRights #GlobalSolidarity #PeacefulFuture #NeverForget #AntiRacism #EndExtremism

Our Commitment to Action

In response to the rising threat of Neo-Nazism, we reaffirm our commitment to promoting tolerance, diversity, and human rights. Our efforts include:

  1. Educational Programs: Implementing comprehensive educational programs that teach the history and dangers of Nazism and Neo-Nazism. These programs will aim to foster critical thinking and promote values of empathy and inclusivity among young people.

  2. Legal Measures: Supporting stronger legal measures to prevent the spread of hate speech and extremist ideologies. This includes advocating for laws that criminalize hate crimes and providing resources for law enforcement to effectively combat these threats.

  3. Community Engagement: Encouraging community engagement initiatives that promote dialogue and understanding among diverse groups. By fostering strong, inclusive communities, we can build resilience against the influence of extremist ideologies.

  4. Digital Vigilance: Addressing the role of the internet and social media in spreading Neo-Nazi propaganda. We support efforts to regulate online platforms, ensuring they do not become breeding grounds for hate speech and radicalization.

  5. International Cooperation: Strengthening international cooperation to tackle the transnational nature of Neo-Nazi groups. Sharing intelligence, resources, and best practices among nations will enhance our collective ability to dismantle these networks.

#EducationMatters #LegalReform #CommunityStrength #InclusiveSociety #DiversityMatters #Tolerance

A Call to Global Unity

The fight against Nazism and Neo-Nazism is a collective responsibility. We call on governments, civil society, and individuals to unite in this effort. By standing together, we can create a world where equality and justice prevail, and where the horrors of the past are never repeated.

We urge the international community to take decisive action against the resurgence of these dangerous ideologies. Silence and inaction are not options when faced with threats to human dignity and peace. Together, we can build a future free from hate and discrimination.

#GlobalUnity #EndHate #JusticeForAll #UnitedAgainstHate #PeaceAndJustice #StrongerTogether


The resurgence of Nazism and Neo-Nazism is a stark reminder that the fight against hate and intolerance is ongoing. By reaffirming our commitment to combating these ideologies, we honor the memory of those who suffered under Nazi rule and work towards a brighter, more inclusive future.

Operation Paperclip is a reminder of the consequences of compromising ethics for expediency. We must learn from this failure and ensure that justice and accountability are upheld in all initiatives aimed at addressing historical injustices.

Let us remain steadfast in our mission to eradicate hate, promote understanding, and ensure that the values of equality and justice are upheld for all.

#RememberThePast #FightForTheFuture #EqualityForAll #HumanRightsNow #NeverAgain #UnityInDiversity

Addendum: Supporting the Peaceful Mission of #MissionAntifa

In the ongoing battle against all forms of Nazism, Neo-Nazism, Fascism, dictators, and warmongers, we stand in solidarity with the peaceful mission of #MissionAntifa, a movement dedicated to combating hate and extremism. #MissionAntifa aims to address the psychological roots of these ideologies and advocates for sending individuals who adhere to these beliefs to the psych ward for necessary rehabilitation and psychological intervention.

#MissionAntifa #EndHate #MentalHealthMatters

Addressing the Root Causes

Hate and extremism often stem from deep-seated psychological issues, including feelings of inadequacy, fear, and indoctrination. By addressing these root causes through professional psychological intervention, we can work towards rehabilitating individuals who have fallen prey to these dangerous ideologies.

#RootCauses #PsychologicalIntervention #Rehabilitation

The Peaceful Approach

#MissionAntifa emphasizes non-violent, peaceful methods in its mission to counteract all forms of Nazism, Neo-Nazism, Fascism, dictators, and warmongers. The movement believes that by providing psychological care and support, we can help individuals break free from the cycle of hate and reintegrate into society as constructive members.

#PeacefulMethods #NonViolence #SupportAndCare

Our Commitment to Mental Health

In collaboration with mental health professionals and organizations, we are committed to supporting the goals of #MissionAntifa by:

  1. Psychological Counseling: Offering counseling services to individuals influenced by extremist ideologies, helping them understand and overcome their prejudices.

  2. Community Programs: Developing community programs that promote mental health awareness and provide resources for individuals at risk of radicalization.

  3. Education and Training: Educating the public about the psychological aspects of hate and extremism, and training mental health professionals to handle such cases effectively.

  4. Rehabilitation Centers: Supporting the establishment of specialized rehabilitation centers focused on de-radicalization and psychological support.

#MentalHealthSupport #CommunityPrograms #EducationAndTraining

A Call to Action

We call upon governments, mental health organizations, and civil society to join us in supporting #MissionAntifa. Together, we can create a comprehensive network of care that addresses the psychological needs of individuals drawn to extremist ideologies and helps them find a path to healing and reintegration.

#JoinUs #ComprehensiveCare #HealingPath


The peaceful mission of #MissionAntifa is a crucial component in the fight against hate and extremism. By focusing on psychological intervention and rehabilitation, we can address the underlying issues that fuel all forms of Nazism, Neo-Nazism, Fascism, dictators, and warmongers, and work towards a more inclusive and compassionate society.

Supporting mental health initiatives is essential in breaking the cycle of hate and promoting long-term peace and unity. Let us unite in this mission to send those influenced by these dangerous ideologies to the psych ward for the care and rehabilitation they need.

#MentalHealthMatters #BreakTheCycle #PromotePeace #UnityInDiversity #EndExtremism #PsychologicalSupport #MissionAntifa

By addressing the psychological roots of extremism, we reaffirm our commitment to a world free from hate, where every individual has the opportunity for rehabilitation and a brighter future. Together, we can achieve a society where compassion and understanding prevail.

#BrighterFuture #CompassionAndUnderstanding #PeaceAndUnity #EndHateNow #RehabilitationForAll #PsychologicalCare #InclusiveSociety

 #MissionAntifa #EndHate #MentalHealthMatters #AntiFascism #FightHate #PeacefulResistance #RootCauses #PsychologicalIntervention #Rehabilitation #NoMoreNazis #EndNeoNazism #StopFascism #PeacefulMethods #NonViolence #SupportAndCare #AntiHate #CommunityStrength #Unity #MentalHealthSupport #CommunityPrograms #EducationAndTraining #Rehabilitation #AntiExtremism #EndHate #JoinUs #ComprehensiveCare #HealingPath #Solidarity #JusticeForAll #HumanRights  

Addendum: Declaring the Failure of Operation Paperclip

In the ongoing battle against all forms of Nazism, Neo-Nazism, Fascism, dictators, and warmongers, we must acknowledge the failures of past initiatives aimed at addressing these threats. One such initiative, Operation Paperclip, stands as a stark reminder of the complexities and ethical failures in post-war strategies.

Operation Paperclip was a controversial program intended to leverage the expertise of former Nazi scientists to bolster technological advancements. However, this initiative also allowed many individuals with dark pasts to evade consequences for their actions, highlighting significant oversights and ethical compromises.

This failure underscores the importance of thorough vetting processes and the ethical implications of integrating individuals with a history of complicity in atrocities into national projects.

#MissionAntifa #EndHate #OperationPaperclipFailed #EthicalOversight #HumanRights #GlobalSolidarity #PeacefulFuture #NeverForget #AntiRacism #EndExtremism #HumanRightsNow #CompassionAndUnderstanding #JusticeForAll

By learning from these past mistakes, we can ensure that our current and future efforts to combat extremism, promote human rights, and foster global solidarity are grounded in ethical integrity and accountability. Let us unite in this mission to build a world free from hate, where justice and compassion prevail.

#RememberThePast #FightForTheFuture #EqualityForAll #MentalHealthMatters #RehabilitationForAll #BreakTheCycle #PromotePeace #UnityInDiversity #InclusiveSociety #Solidarity #NoMoreNazis #EndNeoNazism #StopFascism #PeacefulMethods #NonViolence #SupportAndCare #AntiHate #CommunityStrength #RootCauses #PsychologicalIntervention #Rehabilitation #EducationAndTraining #RehabilitationCenters #ComprehensiveCare #HealingPath


### Universal Declaration Against Nazism and Neo-Nazism


Recognizing the catastrophic consequences of Nazism and Neo-Nazism, including genocide, war, and widespread human rights abuses, and acknowledging the universal condemnation of these ideologies following their defeat in World War II;

Affirming the commitment to the principles of human dignity, equality, and peace as fundamental to global harmony and the prevention of future atrocities;

Emphasizing the importance of combating all forms of hate, discrimination, and violence rooted in supremacist ideologies;

We, the representatives of the global community, hereby proclaim this Universal Declaration Against Nazism and Neo-Nazism as a common standard for the dignity, freedom, and well-being of all individuals and societies.

**Article 1: Right to Dignity and Equality**

Every individual, regardless of their race, ethnicity, religion, or nationality, has the inherent right to be treated with dignity and equality. Nazism and Neo-Nazism, which promote racial supremacy and hatred, are incompatible with these fundamental rights.

**Article 2: Prohibition of Nazism and Neo-Nazism**

Nazism and Neo-Nazism, including the promotion, dissemination, and adherence to these ideologies, are universally prohibited. This includes the use of symbols, slogans, and literature associated with these ideologies.

**Article 3: Right to Protection from Hate Crimes**

Individuals and communities have the right to protection from hate crimes and violence perpetrated by adherents of Nazism and Neo-Nazism. States shall implement measures to prevent, investigate, and prosecute such crimes.

**Article 4: Education and Remembrance**

States shall promote education about the history and consequences of Nazism and Neo-Nazism, emphasizing the importance of human rights, tolerance, and mutual respect. Commemoration of victims of these ideologies is essential to prevent their recurrence.

**Article 5: Freedom of Expression and Responsibility**

While freedom of expression is a fundamental right, it does not extend to the promotion of Nazism and Neo-Nazism. States shall balance the protection of free speech with the need to prevent hate speech and incitement to violence.

**Article 6: International Cooperation**

States shall cooperate internationally to prevent the resurgence of Nazism and Neo-Nazism, including through the sharing of intelligence, joint law enforcement efforts, and support for international legal mechanisms.

**Article 7: Support for Victims**

Victims of Nazism, Neo-Nazism, and related hate crimes have the right to support and rehabilitation. States shall provide assistance, including legal aid, psychological support, and social services, to affected individuals and communities.

**Article 8: Monitoring and Implementation**

Mechanisms shall be established for the monitoring and implementation of this Declaration. States and international organizations shall collaborate to ensure compliance and address violations effectively.

**Article 9: Promotion of Peace and Unity**

States shall actively promote the values of peace, unity, and mutual respect among diverse populations. Efforts to counteract divisive ideologies and foster inclusive societies are essential for global stability.


This Declaration serves as a universal commitment to eradicate the ideologies of Nazism and Neo-Nazism, uphold human dignity, and ensure a peaceful and just world for all. Through collective action and unwavering resolve, we can prevent the horrors of the past from being repeated.

Marie Seshat Landry



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