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Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Universal Declaration of Rights of Drug Users

 The Universal Declaration of Rights of Drug Users


Recognizing the inherent dignity and equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family as the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace in the world, and acknowledging the unique challenges and discrimination faced by drug users globally, we proclaim this Universal Declaration of Rights of Drug Users as a common standard for the dignity, freedom, and well-being of all individuals and communities.

Article 1: Right to Personal Autonomy

Every individual has the right to make decisions regarding their own drug use, cultivation, possession, and mode of use, provided it does not infringe upon the rights and well-being of others.

Article 2: Right to Non-Discrimination

No person shall be discriminated against based on their drug use or association, including in areas of employment, housing, education, healthcare, or social services.

Article 3: Right to Health and Harm Reduction

Every individual has the right to access drug-related healthcare treatments, therapies, and harm reduction programs aimed at promoting overall well-being and minimizing potential risks.

Article 4: Right to Access and Availability

Every individual has the right to access safe, affordable, and quality drug-related products and services for medicinal, spiritual, or recreational purposes without unreasonable barriers or discrimination.

Article 5: Right to Privacy

The privacy of individuals, including their drug use and related activities, shall be respected and protected.

Article 6: Right to Education and Information

Every individual has the right to accurate and comprehensive education and information about drugs, including their potential risks, benefits, and responsible use practices, to make informed decisions.

Article 7: Right to Legal Protections

Every person shall have equal access to justice and effective remedies for violations of their rights related to drug use, cultivation, possession, or association.

Article 8: Right to Social Justice and Equity

Efforts shall be made to rectify the historical injustices and disproportionate impacts of drug prohibition, ensuring equity in the legal drug industry and promoting social justice initiatives.

Article 9: Right to Environmental Stewardship

Drug cultivation and production shall be conducted in an environmentally sustainable manner, minimizing ecological harm and promoting conservation efforts to protect natural resources.

Article 10: Right to Research and Innovation

Support and encouragement shall be provided for scientific research, innovation, and the advancement of knowledge related to drugs, their potential uses, and their impact on health and society.

Article 11: Right to International Cooperation

International cooperation shall be fostered to promote evidence-based drug policies, share best practices, and address global challenges related to drug regulation, trade, and public health.

Article 12: Right to Family Life

Every individual shall have the right to maintain family life without discrimination based on their drug use, including the right to form partnerships and raise children.

Article 13: Right to Cultural and Personal Expression

Every person has the right to freely express their personal and cultural identity, including the use of drugs for spiritual, cultural, or personal purposes.

Article 14: Right to Participate in Public and Cultural Life

Individuals have the right to participate fully and effectively in public, political, and cultural life, regardless of their drug use.

Article 15: Duty to Promote Acceptance and Non-Discrimination

States and societies have a duty to promote acceptance and inclusion of drug users and to take steps to combat prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination.

Article 16: Implementation and Monitoring

Mechanisms shall be established for the implementation and monitoring of these rights and for holding states and individuals accountable for violations.

This declaration is a starting point and should be further developed and refined through consultation with drug user communities, legal experts, and human rights advocates to ensure it comprehensively addresses the needs and rights of drug users.

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