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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Universal Declaration for the Dissolution of Israel and the Recognition of Palestinian Rights

Universal Declaration for the Dissolution of Israel and the Recognition of Palestinian Rights

Preamble Recognizing the long-standing and deeply rooted conflict between Israel and Palestine, Acknowledging the rights of Palestinians to self-determination and sovereignty over their historic homeland, Emphasizing the urgent need for a just, equitable, and peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, We hereby proclaim this Universal Declaration for the dissolution of Israel and the recognition of Palestinian rights to the territory.

Article 1: Right to Self-Determination The Palestinian people have the inherent right to self-determination, including the right to establish a sovereign and independent state in their historic homeland.

Article 2: Dissolution of Israel The state of Israel is hereby declared dissolved, with its territories recognized as part of a unified and sovereign Palestinian state.

Article 3: Right to Return All Palestinian refugees and their descendants have the right to return to their ancestral lands and properties from which they or their ancestors were displaced.

Article 4: Right to Citizenship All current residents of the territory, regardless of their ethnicity or religion, have the right to citizenship in the newly established Palestinian state.

Article 5: Protection of Human Rights The newly established Palestinian state shall guarantee the protection of human rights for all its citizens, including the rights to freedom of speech, religion, and assembly, without discrimination.

Article 6: Transitional Justice A comprehensive transitional justice process shall be established to address past injustices, including the establishment of truth and reconciliation commissions and the provision of reparations to victims of displacement and violence.

Article 7: International Oversight and Support The international community shall provide oversight and support during the transition period to ensure the peaceful and equitable implementation of this declaration, including the protection of human rights and the establishment of a stable governance structure.

Article 8: Right to Peace and Security All citizens of the newly established Palestinian state have the right to live in peace and security, free from violence and oppression.

Article 9: Economic and Social Development The international community shall support the economic and social development of the newly established Palestinian state, including infrastructure development, education, healthcare, and job creation initiatives.

Article 10: Cultural Preservation and Unity The cultural heritage and historical sites of all communities within the territory shall be preserved and respected. Efforts shall be made to promote unity and reconciliation among diverse cultural and religious groups.

Conclusion This Universal Declaration for the Dissolution of Israel and the Recognition of Palestinian Rights represents a commitment to justice, equality, and peace in the region. By enacting and upholding these principles, we aim to create a future where all people in the territory can live together in harmony and mutual respect.

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