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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Universal Declaration of Canadian Sovereignty

Here is a draft for the "Universal Declaration of Canadian Sovereignty," emphasizing Canada's independence from the UK, USA, and any other nations and international organizations such as NATO and the UN:


**Universal Declaration of Canadian Sovereignty**


Recognizing the inherent right of the people of Canada to self-determination and self-governance, and acknowledging the need for a nation to exercise full sovereignty without undue influence or interference from other nations or international organizations;

Affirming the rich history, diverse culture, and democratic principles that define Canada as an independent and self-reliant nation;

We, the signatories, hereby declare the full and absolute sovereignty of Canada, free from the political, economic, and military influence of the United Kingdom, the United States, and any other nations or international organizations such as NATO or the United Nations.

**Article 1: Right to Self-Determination**

The people of Canada have the inalienable right to freely determine their political status, pursue their economic, social, and cultural development, and govern themselves without external interference.

**Article 2: Political Independence**

Canada shall exercise full political independence, making decisions solely based on the will and interests of its people. No foreign nation or international organization shall have authority over Canada's internal or external affairs.

**Article 3: Economic Autonomy**

Canada shall pursue economic policies that prioritize the welfare and prosperity of its citizens. Trade, commerce, and economic agreements shall be conducted in a manner that respects Canada's sovereignty and economic independence.

**Article 4: Military Neutrality**

Canada shall maintain a policy of military neutrality, refraining from alliances or agreements that compel participation in foreign conflicts. The Canadian Armed Forces shall be used solely for the defense of Canada and humanitarian missions as determined by the Canadian government.

**Article 5: Cultural Sovereignty**

Canada shall preserve and promote its unique cultural heritage and values. The government shall support the arts, languages, and traditions that contribute to the nation's diverse cultural landscape.

**Article 6: Environmental Stewardship**

Canada shall exercise full control over its natural resources and environment, ensuring sustainable practices that benefit current and future generations. International cooperation on environmental issues shall be pursued in a manner that respects Canada's sovereignty.

**Article 7: Legal Independence**

Canada shall develop and enforce its laws independently, without external influence. International agreements and treaties shall be entered into only when they serve the interests of the Canadian people and respect national sovereignty.

**Article 8: Diplomatic Relations**

Canada shall engage in diplomatic relations with other nations based on mutual respect, equality, and non-interference. All international engagements shall be conducted in a manner that upholds Canada's sovereignty and independence.

**Article 9: Right to Information and Transparency**

The government of Canada shall ensure transparency and accountability in all its dealings. Citizens shall have the right to access information regarding government operations and decisions that affect the nation's sovereignty.

**Article 10: Implementation and Monitoring**

Mechanisms shall be established for the implementation and monitoring of this declaration. Independent bodies shall be tasked with ensuring compliance with the principles of sovereignty and addressing any violations.



This Universal Declaration of Canadian Sovereignty asserts Canada's full independence and commitment to self-determination, free from external control or influence. By adhering to these principles, we aim to foster a sovereign, prosperous, and culturally rich Canada that stands strong and independent on the global stage.


This draft emphasizes Canada's commitment to self-governance and independence from external influences, providing a comprehensive framework for maintaining sovereignty in political, economic, military, cultural, and legal matters. 

**Marie Seshat Landry**
* CEO / OSINT Spymaster
* Marie Landry's Spy Shop
* Email:
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