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Universal Declaration of Secularism and Freedom of Belief

Universal Declaration of Secularism and Freedom of Belief


Recognizing the diversity of religious beliefs and the importance of respecting all perspectives,

Affirming the principles of freedom of thought, conscience, and religion,

We, the representatives of the global community, proclaim this Universal Declaration of Secularism and Freedom of Belief to promote respect, understanding, and coexistence among different belief systems.


Article 1: Freedom of Belief

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, including the freedom to change their religion or belief.

Article 2: Separation of Religion and State

Governments shall ensure the separation of religion and state, maintaining a neutral stance on religious matters to uphold equality and prevent discrimination.

Article 3: Respect for All Beliefs

Individuals and communities shall respect the diverse beliefs of others, fostering an environment of mutual understanding and tolerance.

Article 4: Protection of Rights

All individuals shall be protected from discrimination or persecution based on their religious beliefs or lack thereof.

Article 5: Education and Awareness

Educational programs shall promote an understanding of various religious and non-religious beliefs, encouraging critical thinking and respectful dialogue.

Article 6: International Cooperation

Nations shall cooperate to promote and protect the principles of secularism and freedom of belief, ensuring that these rights are upheld globally.


This declaration serves as a testament to the global community's commitment to respecting diverse beliefs, promoting secular governance, and ensuring freedom of thought and conscience for all.
