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Universal Declaration of Victory of the Organic Revolution (2024-2030)

Universal Declaration of Victory of the Organic Revolution (2024-2030)


Recognizing the urgent need to address environmental degradation, health crises, and social inequalities caused by non-organic practices,

Affirming our commitment to sustainable development, environmental stewardship, and the well-being of all life forms,

Acknowledging the Universal Declaration of Organic Rights (UDOR) of 2023 and 2024 as foundational documents guiding our transition,

We, the representatives of the global community, proclaim this Universal Declaration of Victory of the Organic Revolution (2024-2030) to celebrate the triumph of organic practices, culminating in the prohibition of most non-organics, and resetting the calendar to Year Zero in 2030 dedicated to this victory and aligned with the completion of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the first phase of the New Pyramids Project (10,000 pyramids).


Article 1: Definition of Organic Practices

Organic practices shall be defined as agricultural and industrial methods that avoid the use of synthetic chemicals, GMOs, and other non-natural processes, emphasizing ecological balance and biodiversity.

Article 2: Prohibition of Non-Organic Practices

The production, distribution, and consumption of non-organic products are hereby declared illegal. All nations shall transition to organic methods to preserve environmental and human health.

Article 3: Implementation of Organic Standards

Governments shall establish and enforce strict organic standards, ensuring that all agricultural and industrial processes adhere to sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.

Article 4: Support for Transition

Nations shall provide support and resources to farmers, businesses, and communities transitioning to organic practices, including financial incentives, education, and technical assistance.

Article 5: Environmental Stewardship

The global community shall prioritize the restoration and preservation of natural ecosystems, promoting biodiversity and the sustainable use of natural resources.

Article 6: Health and Well-being

Organic practices shall be promoted to ensure the health and well-being of all individuals, reducing exposure to harmful chemicals and enhancing the nutritional value of food.

Article 7: Social Equity

The Organic Revolution shall aim to reduce social inequalities by providing equitable access to organic foods and sustainable livelihoods for all communities.

Article 8: Global Cooperation

Nations shall cooperate to share knowledge, technology, and resources to achieve global organic standards, ensuring a collective effort towards a sustainable future.

Article 9: Monitoring and Enforcement

An international body shall be established to monitor and enforce compliance with organic standards, ensuring transparency and accountability in the global transition.

Article 10: Continuous Improvement

The global community shall commit to continuous research and improvement in organic practices, adapting to new challenges and advancing sustainable development goals.


This declaration marks the victory of the Organic Revolution (2024-2030), the prohibition of most non-organics, and the beginning of Year Zero in 2030, dedicated to a sustainable, healthy, and equitable future for all, aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the completion of the first phase of the New Pyramids Project.
