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Friday, July 19, 2024

Universal Declaration of Victory Against Neo-Nazis and Fascists

Universal Declaration of Victory Against Neo-Nazis and Fascists


Recognizing the persistent threat posed by neo-Nazism and fascism to global peace, justice, and human rights,

Affirming the universal commitment to combating hate-based ideologies and promoting a world founded on equality and mutual respect,

Celebrating the courage and resilience of those who resist and overcome neo-Nazi and fascist movements,

We, the representatives of the global community, proclaim this Universal Declaration of Victory Against Neo-Nazis and Fascists to honor our collective triumph over hate and oppression.

Article 1: Remembrance and Education

Nations shall remember the atrocities committed by neo-Nazis and fascists and educate future generations to ensure such horrors are never repeated.

Article 2: Protection of Human Rights

Every individual is entitled to fundamental rights and freedoms as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, free from discrimination and oppression.

Article 3: Commitment to Justice

Nations shall work together to bring to justice those who propagate neo-Nazi and fascist ideologies and commit related crimes, ensuring accountability and the rule of law.

Article 4: Promotion of Peace and Tolerance

Governments and societies shall promote peace, tolerance, and mutual respect among all peoples, actively combating hate-based ideologies and extremism.

Article 5: Support for Victims

Nations shall provide support and reparations to victims of neo-Nazi and fascist persecution, acknowledging their suffering and resilience.

Article 6: Global Solidarity

The international community shall stand in solidarity against any resurgence of neo-Nazi or fascist ideologies, reaffirming the commitment to fight against tyranny and oppression.

Article 7: Cultural Preservation

The cultural, historical, and educational artifacts and testimonies related to the resistance against neo-Nazism and fascism shall be preserved and made accessible to all.

Article 8: Ensuring Democracy

Nations shall uphold democratic values, ensuring governance based on the principles of equality, freedom, and justice for all.

Article 9: International Cooperation

Countries shall cooperate internationally to combat neo-Nazism, fascism, and related hate groups through shared intelligence, resources, and strategies.

Article 10: Continuous Vigilance

The global community shall remain vigilant against threats to peace and human rights, continuously working to prevent the rise of oppressive ideologies.

This declaration serves as a testament to the global victory against neo-Nazism and fascism and a commitment to uphold the values of peace, justice, and human dignity for all.

🌐 Sources

  1. - Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  2. - Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  3. - Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  4. - The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  5. - Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  6. - Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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