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Proposed Legislation for the Prohibition of License Plate Cover Sales in Canada

Proposed Legislation for the Prohibition of License Plate Cover Sales in Canada

Bill: An Act to Amend the Consumer Product Safety Act to Prohibit the Sale of License Plate Covers

Preamble: Whereas the visibility of license plates is essential for public safety, law enforcement, and the functioning of automated traffic systems, and whereas the use of license plate covers can impede the clear visibility of license plates, it is necessary to regulate the sale of such products to ensure compliance with safety and enforcement standards.

Section 1: Short Title

This Act may be cited as the License Plate Cover Prohibition Act.

Section 2: Definitions

In this Act:

  • License Plate Cover: Any device, material, or product designed to cover or alter the visibility of a vehicle's license plate, including but not limited to clear, tinted, or opaque covers.

Section 3: Prohibition on Sale

  • 3.1: No person shall sell, offer for sale, or distribute license plate covers of any opacity within Canada.
  • 3.2: This prohibition applies to both physical and online retail environments.

Section 4: Penalties

  • 4.1: Any person or entity found to be in violation of Section 3 shall be subject to penalties, including fines and other sanctions as prescribed by the regulations.
  • 4.2: The enforcement of this section shall be the responsibility of the Consumer Product Safety Directorate.

Section 5: Exceptions

  • 5.1: This Act does not apply to the sale of license plate covers for vehicles that are not intended to be operated on public roads, such as vehicles used exclusively for display or off-road purposes.
  • 5.2: Any exceptions must be clearly documented and the products must be labeled accordingly.

Section 6: Public Awareness and Education

  • 6.1: The Minister of Transport shall conduct a public awareness campaign to inform consumers and retailers about the prohibition of license plate cover sales and the reasons for this legislation.
  • 6.2: Educational materials shall be distributed to retailers and made available online to ensure widespread awareness of the new regulations.

Section 7: Review and Amendments

  • 7.1: This Act shall be reviewed five years after its enactment to assess its effectiveness and any need for amendments.
  • 7.2: The findings of the review shall be presented to Parliament.

Section 8: Effective Date

  • 8.1: This Act shall come into force 180 days after receiving Royal Assent to allow for a transition period for retailers and consumers.

By enacting this legislation, Canada will align the legal framework to ensure the visibility of license plates is maintained for public safety and enforcement purposes. This act not only prohibits the sale of potentially problematic products but also provides a clear timeline and structure for implementation and enforcement.
