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Friday, September 13, 2024




We, the people of this land, united in our commitment to create a just, equitable, and inclusive society, hereby declare the dissolution of Canada. Recognizing the failures of the past—colonialism, systemic discrimination, environmental exploitation, and corruption—we establish a new nation, Kanatawi (New Canada), dedicated to anti-discrimination, reconciliation, and sustainable governance.

Article I: Dissolution of Canada and Departure from the Monarchy

  1. Legal Dissolution: Canada, as established by the British North America Act (1867) and the Constitution Act (1982), is hereby dissolved. All federal institutions will be reconstituted under Kanatawi, guided by new principles of inclusivity and justice.

  2. End of Monarchical Ties: Kanatawi shall sever all connections with the British monarchy, becoming a republic governed by democratic principles that reflect the will of its people.

  3. Transfer of Powers: All powers vested in the former federal government of Canada will be transferred to the Provisional Government of Kanatawi, led by a council of Indigenous leaders, elected officials, and representatives of marginalized communities.

Article II: Foundation of Kanatawi

  1. Core Principles: Kanatawi shall be founded on anti-discrimination, reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, environmental stewardship, social justice, and equality for all citizens.

  2. Reinstatement of Anti-Hate Legislation: Section 13 of the former Canadian Human Rights Act, prohibiting hate speech, will be reinstated in Kanatawi’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms to protect citizens from violence and discrimination.

  3. Comprehensive Anti-Discrimination Laws: Kanatawi’s constitution shall enshrine strict anti-discrimination measures to protect against all forms of prejudice, ensuring robust enforcement and accountability.

Article III: Reconciliation and Restoration of Indigenous Lands

  1. Return of Crown Lands: All former Crown lands will be returned to Indigenous nations, acknowledging historical injustices and supporting Indigenous sovereignty and governance.

  2. Indigenous Sovereignty: Indigenous nations within Kanatawi will have the right to self-governance, control over their territories, and full participation in national governance.

Article IV: Environmental Stewardship and Sustainable Development

  1. Transition to Sustainable Energy: Kanatawi commits to ending reliance on fossil fuels, embracing renewable energy, and protecting ecosystems to ensure a sustainable future.

  2. Environmental Protections: Laws regulating industrial activities will prioritize environmental conservation and prevent degradation, aligning economic growth with ecological integrity.

Article V: Economic Justice and Reform

  1. End of Exploitative Economic Practices: Kanatawi shall prohibit predatory lending, usury, and exploitative financial practices, promoting fair access to economic resources.

  2. Inclusive Economic Development: Economic policies will focus on equitable wealth distribution, community empowerment, and sustainable practices.

Article VI: Governance of Provinces within Kanatawi

  1. Continuation of Provincial Structures: The existing provinces shall continue to operate within Kanatawi, retaining their identities and regional governance structures while aligning their laws and policies with Kanatawi’s constitutional principles.

  2. Provincial Alignment with National Law: Provincial laws must conform to the Kanatawi constitution, ensuring consistency with the nation’s anti-discrimination measures, environmental protections, and human rights standards.

  3. Cooperative Federalism: Kanatawi will operate under a cooperative federalism model, encouraging collaboration between the national government and provinces to address regional needs while upholding national standards of justice, equality, and environmental stewardship.

Article VII: Establishment of Governance in Kanatawi

  1. Constitutional Assembly: A Constitutional Assembly, representing the diverse communities of Kanatawi, will draft the new constitution to reflect the values and rights of all citizens.

  2. Provisional Government: A Provisional Government of Indigenous leaders, elected representatives, and civil society advocates will oversee the transition, ensuring transparency, accountability, and alignment with Kanatawi’s founding principles.


We, the people of Kanatawi, commit to building a nation where all are respected, protected, and empowered. The dissolution of Canada and the establishment of Kanatawi represent a new beginning—a pledge to create a just, inclusive, and sustainable society for all.


[Provisional Government Representatives, Indigenous Leaders, Citizens]

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