
Thursday, September 12, 2024

Declaration of Re-Opening the 9/11 Terror Attack Investigations

Declaration of Re-Opening the 9/11 Terror Attack Investigations

Date: September 12, 2024

To Whom It May Concern:

Subject: Urgent Call to Re-Open Investigations into the September 11, 2001 Terror Attacks

In light of ongoing concerns and unresolved questions surrounding the September 11, 2001, terror attacks, it is imperative that we address the unfinished business of this tragic event with renewed urgency. Nearly twenty-three years after that fateful day, the need for comprehensive and transparent investigations remains as critical as ever.

The September 11 attacks, which claimed the lives of nearly 3,000 individuals and forever altered the course of history, are still listed as a security emergency in various contexts. As I have previously stated, “It’s still listed as a security emergency, so let’s do something.” The enduring significance of this tragedy and the profound impact it has had on global security necessitate that we take decisive action.

Despite extensive investigations conducted in the aftermath of the attacks, numerous questions remain unanswered. These unresolved issues include, but are not limited to:

1. Intelligence Failures

  1. Failure to Act on Warnings:

    • Pre-Attack Alerts: Prior to September 11, multiple intelligence agencies, including the CIA and FBI, received warnings about potential terrorist activities linked to Al-Qaeda. Reports such as the August 6, 2001, Presidential Daily Briefing, titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US," indicated a high likelihood of an impending attack. However, the actionable intelligence was not sufficiently acted upon.

    • Inter-Agency Communication: There were significant failures in communication between agencies, such as the FBI and CIA, which hampered the ability to piece together critical information that might have prevented the attacks.

  2. Failure to Monitor Known Threats:

    • Known Extremists: Some of the hijackers were known to intelligence agencies before the attacks. The inability to track and disrupt their activities despite their profiles being flagged as potential threats highlights a grave oversight in monitoring and preemptive actions.

    • Visa Issuance: Questions have been raised about how individuals with known extremist ties were able to obtain visas and enter the U.S., underscoring failures in border security and visa vetting processes.

  3. Inadequate Response to Information Sharing Issues:

    • Lack of Coordination: The inability of various intelligence and law enforcement agencies to effectively share information and collaborate on counterterrorism efforts significantly hindered the response to emerging threats. This lack of coordination was a critical factor in the failure to prevent the attacks.

2. Comprehensive Review and Accountability

Given these intelligence failures and the continuing relevance of these issues, we hereby declare the urgent need to re-open the investigations into the September 11 terror attacks. This action is necessary to ensure that all aspects of the attacks are thoroughly examined and to provide closure to the families of the victims and to the public.

We call upon the relevant authorities, including federal and state investigative agencies, to initiate a renewed and exhaustive investigation. This should include the following actions:

  • Comprehensive Review: Re-examine all available evidence and documentation related to the attacks, with a particular focus on intelligence failures and inter-agency communication.

  • Public Hearings: Conduct public hearings to allow for transparency and to address the concerns of victims' families and the general public.

  • Collaboration: Engage with international partners and experts to gather additional insights and evidence.

By re-opening the investigations, we reaffirm our commitment to justice, transparency, and accountability. The pursuit of truth is essential not only for honoring the memory of those who perished but also for strengthening our collective security and resilience.


Marie Seshat Landry

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