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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Ignorance is not an excuse.

Ignorance is not an excuse.

When it comes to hate, extremism, and violence, ignorance—whether willful or unintentional—cannot and must not be tolerated as a defense or justification. In Canada today, we've seen the rise of neo-Nazism, hate groups, and extremist ideologies that are spreading unchecked, largely due to the dismantling of legal protections like Section 13.

Some might argue that people aren’t aware of the consequences of their inaction or that authorities aren’t fully informed about the dangers of these hate groups. But here’s the reality: we know better. Canada has been warned repeatedly by citizens, advocacy groups, and international bodies about the growing threat of hate speech and extremism. The failure to act, therefore, is not born out of ignorance—it’s complicity.

Every time the RCMP, the CHRC, and even the government ignore the calls for action, they enable these extremists to operate freely. Ignorance is not an excuse for letting hate thrive. When neo-Nazis like Andrew “Christo” Nelson openly threaten violence and advocate for genocide, and when institutions fail to respond, we are all accountable.

Silence is violence. Indifference is complicity. And ignorance, especially when so much is at stake, is no longer an option. It’s time for Canada to face the truth: this country has become a breeding ground for hate, and unless action is taken, we are all complicit in the consequences.

No more excuses. Ignorance cannot shield us from accountability. The time to act is now.

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