
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

It’s World War 3 in Moncton, Canada: How Extremism is Turning Our City into a Battleground

It’s World War 3 in Moncton, Canada: How Extremism is Turning Our City into a Battleground

By Marie Seshat Landry, CEO, OSINT Spymaster & Peacemaker

Moncton, New Brunswick—The words “World War 3” might seem dramatic, but what we’re seeing unfold here in Moncton is nothing short of a war—a war of ideologies, a battle for the future of our society, and a conflict that’s targeting the most vulnerable among us. And make no mistake, this isn’t happening in some far-off war zone. It’s happening right here in Canada. In Moncton.

The rise of extremism, emboldened by neo-Nazi figures like Andrew “Christo” Nelson, has turned our digital spaces, streets, and communities into battlegrounds. We’re facing a war of hate and division, and our country’s institutions are failing to protect us.

The New Front Line: Hate and Extremism in Moncton

Andrew Christo Nelson’s calls for insurrection, violence, and even genocide against marginalized communities, particularly the trans and LGBTQ+ populations, liberals, and anti-fascist groups, have exposed a terrifying reality: Canada is no longer the safe haven we thought it was. Here in Moncton, Nelson operates freely, spewing his dangerous ideology with little fear of repercussion.

What’s worse? The RCMP and the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) have done nothing. Despite clear evidence of his hate-filled, violent rhetoric—targeting everyone from myself to political figures like Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and U.S. President Joe Biden—Canada’s authorities have failed to act.

This isn’t just a matter of “free speech.” It’s a direct threat to our safety and democracy. When hate speech escalates to incitements of violence, and there is no action from law enforcement, what else can we call it but a war?

A Battle We Didn’t Choose, But Must Fight

The war we’re facing in Moncton is not fought with guns or tanks, but with words, propaganda, and dangerous ideologies that have real-world consequences. When threats of violence go unchallenged, it empowers extremists. They know they can push boundaries, stir up chaos, and provoke terror in communities like ours.

But here’s the thing: We didn’t choose this fight, but now we have no choice but to face it.

While Canada’s institutions stand by, refusing to act, we’ve been forced to turn to the international community. I’ve contacted the CIA, FBI, Homeland Security, Interpol, and the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) because it’s become clear that Canada has let us down.

Where Does Canada Stand on Nazism?

This brings us to the bigger question: Where does Canada stand on Nazism? In 2024, are we really willing to tolerate neo-Nazi threats, open calls for insurrection, and the promotion of violence against the most marginalized in society?

It’s hard to ignore that by doing nothing, our government and law enforcement are allowing these ideologies to thrive. Andrew Christo Nelson is just one example of what happens when hate is left unchecked. Moncton, and indeed the rest of Canada, is becoming fertile ground for extremism, where neo-Nazis feel emboldened and confident in their ability to operate without consequences.

Our Community Is Under Siege

The threats aren’t just abstract. They’re personal. As a trans woman, I’ve been directly targeted. The LGBTQ+ community, liberals, activists, and anyone who opposes this growing extremism are under siege. In Nelson’s world, we’re the enemy, and his calls for violence are clear. Yet, despite reporting this countless times, we’ve seen no action from the RCMP or CHRC.

This inaction speaks volumes. If Canada won’t take a stand against extremism, who will?

International Pressure: Our Last Line of Defense

If we are to survive this ideological war, we need the support of the international community. Canada may be ignoring us, but the world is watching. We’ve reached out to international authorities, asking them to hold Canada accountable for its failure to combat hate and violence.

We cannot let this war of extremism continue to escalate unchecked. We can’t sit by as neo-Nazis operate freely, threatening violence, and advocating for the genocide of trans people, LGBTQ+ folks, and anyone who stands for equality. Moncton is just one city, but this is a global battle.

This Is Our Time to Fight Back

The time for complacency is over. This is World War 3, fought not with bullets, but with ideologies that are every bit as dangerous. In Moncton, we are on the front lines, and we can’t afford to lose this fight. Our safety, our rights, and our future depend on standing up and pushing back.

We must demand that Canada act against extremism. We must protect our communities from hate. And we must remind the world that hate doesn’t just thrive in silence—it destroys.

So let’s make some noise.

Marie Seshat Landry
CEO, OSINT Spymaster & Peacemaker

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