
Friday, September 20, 2024

Proclamation of Kanatawi

Proclamation of Kanatawi

Proclamation for the Formation of Kanatawi


We, the people of this land, unified in our vision for a just, equitable, and inclusive society, declare the peaceful dissolution of Canada and the formation of a new nation, Kanatawi. This new nation is founded on the values of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, environmental stewardship, anti-discrimination, and social justice for all.

Recognizing the historical wrongs of colonialism, systemic racism, environmental exploitation, and the failure to uphold the rights of Indigenous peoples, we commit to creating a nation that promotes equality, protects human rights, and ensures the preservation of the natural world for future generations.

This proclamation marks the beginning of a new era—one where all individuals, regardless of race, gender, creed, or origin, can participate in building a nation grounded in dignity, justice, and peace.

Article I: Dissolution of Canada

  1. Legal Dissolution
    Canada, as constituted by the British North America Act of 1867 and the Constitution Act of 1982, is hereby dissolved. All legal and political entities formerly known as the federal government of Canada will cease to exist, and their powers shall be transferred to the provisional government of Kanatawi.

  2. End of Monarchical Ties
    All ties to the British monarchy are hereby severed. Kanatawi shall establish itself as an independent republic governed by democratic principles, rooted in the will of its people.

  3. Transfer of Powers
    The provisional government of Kanatawi, comprised of Indigenous leaders, elected representatives, and community advocates, shall assume all governing authority previously held by federal institutions. This body will oversee the peaceful and just transition toward a new national constitution.

Article II: Foundational Principles of Kanatawi

  1. Core Principles
    Kanatawi shall be founded upon the principles of anti-discrimination, reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, environmental protection, and social equity. It will prioritize the inherent rights of all its citizens, ensuring that laws reflect these guiding principles.

  2. Reinstatement of Anti-Hate Legislation
    Kanatawi shall reinstate Section 13 of the former Canadian Human Rights Act, prohibiting hate speech and violence against any group based on race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation.

  3. Comprehensive Anti-Discrimination Laws
    All forms of discrimination shall be outlawed, with strict enforcement mechanisms in place to ensure accountability. These measures will be enshrined in Kanatawi’s constitution and will protect citizens from discrimination in employment, housing, healthcare, and education.

Article III: Reconciliation and Indigenous Sovereignty

  1. Return of Crown Lands
    All lands formerly designated as Crown lands will be returned to Indigenous nations, with full recognition of their historical sovereignty and governance rights.

  2. Indigenous Sovereignty and Self-Governance
    Indigenous nations within Kanatawi shall have the right to self-governance over their territories, with the autonomy to manage their affairs, resources, and legal systems. Indigenous representation will be integral to national governance.

Article IV: Environmental Stewardship and Sustainable Development

  1. Commitment to Renewable Energy
    Kanatawi commits to a sustainable future by transitioning away from reliance on fossil fuels. National energy policies will focus on renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power.

  2. Environmental Protections
    Laws shall be enacted to protect natural ecosystems, prevent environmental degradation, and prioritize conservation. Economic activities that cause harm to the environment will be regulated to ensure ecological balance.

Article V: Economic Justice and Fair Governance

  1. End of Exploitative Practices
    Kanatawi shall prohibit exploitative financial practices such as predatory lending, usury, and monopolistic control over resources. Financial regulations will be established to ensure fair access to capital for all citizens.

  2. Inclusive Economic Development
    Economic policies in Kanatawi shall promote equitable distribution of wealth, community empowerment, and sustainable growth. These policies will prioritize the well-being of marginalized communities, fostering local economies and cooperative enterprises.

Article VI: Provincial Structures and Governance

  1. Continuation of Provincial Governance
    Existing provinces within Kanatawi will retain their regional identities and governance structures. Provincial governments must align their laws with Kanatawi’s constitutional principles of anti-discrimination, environmental protection, and human rights.

  2. Cooperative Federalism
    Kanatawi will operate under a cooperative federalist model, encouraging collaboration between the national government and provincial governments. This system will ensure that regional needs are addressed while upholding national standards of justice and equality.

Article VII: Establishment of the Provisional Government and Constitutional Assembly

  1. Provisional Government
    The provisional government of Kanatawi, led by a council of Indigenous leaders, elected officials, and representatives of marginalized communities, will oversee the peaceful transition from Canada to Kanatawi. This body shall operate transparently and be accountable to the people.

  2. Constitutional Assembly
    A Constitutional Assembly, composed of representatives from all regions and communities of Kanatawi, will be convened to draft the nation’s constitution. This constitution shall enshrine the rights and values of all citizens and will form the foundation of the new legal order.


We, the people of Kanatawi, pledge to build a nation grounded in justice, inclusivity, environmental sustainability, and reconciliation. The peaceful dissolution of Canada and the formation of Kanatawi represent our collective commitment to a better future for all.

We dedicate ourselves to creating a society where all citizens are respected, empowered, and given the opportunity to thrive. The establishment of Kanatawi is our declaration of hope, responsibility, and the desire for a nation built on mutual respect and equality.

[Provisional Government Representatives, Indigenous Leaders, and Citizens]

This draft lays the foundation for the formation of Kanatawi, prioritizing reconciliation, inclusivity, and environmental sustainability. It serves as a starting point for further development, particularly in areas where input from communities and experts would be required to complete the nation’s legal framework.

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