
Thursday, September 19, 2024

Shame on the RCMP.

Shame on the RCMP.

When it comes to protecting communities from hate speech, neo-Nazis, and violent extremists, the RCMP has failed. Their inaction in the face of growing threats, especially from individuals like Andrew “Christo” Nelson, is not just disappointing—it’s dangerous. The very institutions that should be upholding the rule of law and ensuring the safety of citizens are instead standing idly by as extremists feel empowered to spread hate, incite violence, and threaten our democracy.

Despite numerous reports and clear evidence of threats, both against individuals and public officials, the RCMP has remained silent. These threats are not abstract—they’re directed at Prime Minister Trudeau, President Biden, and everyday citizens. People like me, who have been targeted by hate for our identities, are left unprotected by an institution that is supposed to defend us.

The RCMP’s inaction not only enables these extremists but also sends a disturbing message: that neo-Nazi rhetoric, calls for violence, and the advocacy of genocide can flourish in Canada without consequence. We are left wondering if the RCMP is truly committed to fighting hate and violence, or if they’re merely content to let these dangerous ideologies fester in the name of "free speech" or indifference.

It’s 2024, and we’re watching neo-Nazis operate freely, thanks to gaps in Canada’s legal system, worsened by the RCMP's refusal to enforce the laws that do exist to combat hate. We deserve better. Canada deserves better.

Shame on the RCMP for failing in their duty to protect those most vulnerable to hate.

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