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Urgent Report on the Serious Threat Posed by Andrew Christo Nelson's Neo-Nazi Leadership

Urgent Report on the Serious Threat Posed by Andrew Christo Nelson's Neo-Nazi Leadership

To: Intelligence Agencies, Government Officials, and International Bodies

From: Marie Seshat Landry, CEO, OSINT Spymaster & Peacemaker, Moncton, NB, Canada

Date: September 24, 2024
Subject: The Emergence of a New Neo-Nazi Cell in Southern New Brunswick, Canada: A Threat to National and International Security

Executive Summary

This report highlights the severe and immediate threat posed by the formation and leadership of a new neo-Nazi group by Andrew Christo Nelson in southern New Brunswick, Canada. While the size of this cell remains unclear, the danger it represents is immense, given its potential for growth, radicalization, and violence both in Canada and internationally. Nelson’s open calls for extremist action, coupled with his presence on the dark web, indicate an organized effort to recruit individuals and foster a dangerous ideology rooted in hate, white supremacy, and violence. If left unchecked, this group could cause significant social destabilization, inspire violence, and damage Canada's reputation as a beacon of multiculturalism and tolerance.

Key Findings

  1. Neo-Nazi Leadership and Recruitment: Andrew Christo Nelson’s ability to operate on the dark web allows him to recruit and radicalize individuals with impunity. This presents an immediate risk, as neo-Nazi movements worldwide have shown a propensity to grow rapidly in the shadows of the internet. Recruitment efforts could target vulnerable individuals in southern New Brunswick and beyond, spreading a hateful ideology with real-world consequences, including violence, hate crimes, and terrorism​.

  2. Potential for Domestic Terrorism: History has shown that extremist groups, even in their nascent stages, have the potential to inspire or directly engage in acts of terrorism. The 2017 Quebec City mosque shooting and the recent attacks against Jewish synagogues and LGBTQ+ communities in North America are stark reminders of what can happen when such ideologies go unchecked​. Nelson’s group may already be organizing violent activities, and his dark web communications suggest an intent to incite further action.

  3. International Threat and Coordination: Neo-Nazi groups often transcend national borders, coordinating with like-minded cells and organizations abroad. Given Nelson’s dark web presence, there is significant concern that his group could ally with larger extremist organizations operating in Europe or the United States. This creates a broader threat to international stability, as extremist groups share tactics, recruit across borders, and potentially plan transnational attacks​.

  4. Weakening of National Security: Nelson’s rhetoric, which includes violent threats against political leaders such as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and U.S. President Joe Biden, signals a direct attack on democratic institutions​. His group's survival could embolden other extremists and foster a broader network of anti-government cells, undermining national security in both Canada and the United States.

  5. Impact on Social Cohesion and Public Safety: The presence of neo-Nazi groups like Nelson’s exacerbates racial tensions, fosters division, and incites hatred toward marginalized communities. Southern New Brunswick’s multicultural society is at particular risk of being destabilized by targeted hate crimes, harassment, and potential violence. Minority groups, including immigrants, refugees, and LGBTQ+ individuals, are often the primary targets of these hate groups, leading to societal breakdown and fear within communities​.

  6. Danger of Youth Radicalization: One of the most dangerous aspects of neo-Nazi groups is their ability to radicalize young people through online platforms. Nelson’s group, with its dark web presence, could be targeting young Canadians who are vulnerable to extremist propaganda. Youth radicalization would not only increase the number of members but also plant seeds of long-term ideological commitment to white supremacy and violence​.

Call to Action

The time to act is now. This report urges national and international intelligence agencies, government bodies, and policymakers to take swift and decisive action in addressing the growing threat posed by Andrew Christo Nelson and his neo-Nazi cell. Allowing this group to fester could have long-term, irreversible consequences for Canada’s social fabric, political stability, and international standing. The threat is not limited to Canada; neo-Nazi groups have demonstrated their ability to mobilize globally, posing a danger to international security.


  1. Immediate Law Enforcement Action: The RCMP, CSIS, and local law enforcement in New Brunswick must prioritize the investigation and dismantling of this neo-Nazi group. Enhanced surveillance, monitoring of dark web activities, and swift legal action are essential to prevent this group from organizing further​.

  2. Cross-Border Intelligence Collaboration: U.S. agencies such as the CIA and FBI, alongside international bodies like Interpol and MI6, should collaborate with Canadian authorities to monitor and address the cross-border implications of Nelson’s group. Sharing intelligence will be critical in preventing the exportation of violent ideologies and curbing recruitment efforts​.

  3. Reinstatement of Hate Speech Legislation: Canada must urgently consider reinstating Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act, which was previously used to combat online hate speech and extremism. Legal frameworks must be updated to reflect the digital realities of today’s extremist movements​.

  4. Public Awareness and Counter-Radicalization Programs: Governments should invest in counter-radicalization programs, particularly those targeting youth, to prevent further recruitment into extremist groups. Public campaigns to expose the dangers of neo-Nazi ideologies and promote tolerance are essential to mitigating the influence of hate groups​.

  5. Monitoring and Action by International Bodies: The United Nations and other international organizations should monitor the rise of far-right extremism globally, providing frameworks and resources for countries to combat hate groups. Global action is required to address the root causes of extremism and prevent it from spreading across borders.


Andrew Christo Nelson’s neo-Nazi group represents a serious and immediate threat to Canada and the international community. Its existence cannot be tolerated, and urgent action must be taken to dismantle this extremist cell before it grows into a larger, more dangerous force. The consequences of inaction are clear: increased violence, societal division, and the erosion of democratic institutions. Canada’s values of multiculturalism, tolerance, and peace are at stake. The time to act is now, and it is the collective responsibility of governments and intelligence agencies to confront this menace head-on.


Marie Seshat Landry
CEO, OSINT Spymaster & Peacemaker
Moncton, NB, Canada

This report should be disseminated to the CIA, FBI, MI6, RCMP, CSIS, the White House, Canadian government officials, and relevant United Nations bodies.
