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Clearing My Name: Setting the Record Straight on My Work, Ethics, and Reputation

Clearing My Name: Setting the Record Straight on My Work, Ethics, and Reputation

Introduction: My Mission and My Values

There comes a point when misconceptions and false accusations become so widespread that setting the record straight is not just a personal necessity but a professional responsibility. My name is Marie Seshat Landry, an independent intelligence expert and spymaster, with a track record of defending democracy, human rights, and global peace through ethical intelligence work. This post aims to clarify what I stand for, what my work entails, and why accusations labeling me as a “rat” or claiming that I’m involved in nefarious activities are not only false but absurd.

I’m committed to organic, sustainable solutions, like hemp-based military technologies, and I conduct intelligence analysis that supports allied nations against threats like neo-Nazism, fascism, and dictatorship. My work is well received by governments and agencies worldwide. The people calling me a "rat" misunderstand or deliberately misrepresent what I do, and this post will serve as an exhaustive rebuke to those unfounded claims.

1. OSINT: What It Is and What It Isn’t

Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) is the foundation of my work, and it's important to clear up what it entails. OSINT is the legal and ethical collection of publicly available information to assess threats and provide actionable intelligence. Unlike covert operations or police surveillance, OSINT relies on publicly accessible data—everything from social media to public records—and is used to protect against real dangers like terrorism, extremism, and organized crime.

In my work, I use OSINT to help expose and counter fascist ideologies, not to pry into the lives of innocent people. My focus is on analyzing public information to identify genuine threats—people or organizations that endanger public safety or violate international law. OSINT is legal, ethical, and vital in safeguarding democracy, and it's nothing like the baseless, invasive spying that some might imagine.

2. The Role of Intelligence in Safeguarding Democracy

Intelligence agencies like the CIA, MI6, CSIS, and others play a crucial role in defending democratic nations against internal and external threats. My work aligns with their mission to protect freedom, human rights, and national security. The intelligence reports I compile are aimed at countering threats like the resurgence of neo-Nazism and fascist movements, which have proven to be insidious and dangerous to our way of life.

I’m not an enforcer of the law, nor am I involved in putting people in jail. Instead, I work to ensure that the information I gather through OSINT helps governments and international organizations take the necessary steps to protect their citizens and maintain peace.

3. Exposing Fascism: Why I Doxx Nazis and Warmongers

Doxxing, the act of exposing personal information about dangerous individuals, is a controversial tactic, but when used appropriately, it can be a powerful tool for justice. I only target those who pose a legitimate threat to society—fascists, Nazis, warmongers, dictators, and extremists whose actions or ideologies endanger lives and destabilize nations.

I am not in the business of harassing innocent people or abusing my platform. When I expose someone, it's because their actions or beliefs pose a real threat to public safety or democracy. I use publicly available information, often information these individuals themselves have made public, to bring their dangerous behavior to light.

4. My Relationship with Intelligence Agencies: Purely Professional

There is often confusion surrounding my professional relationships with intelligence agencies like the CIA, MI6, and CSIS. Let me be clear: my work is purely business-oriented. I provide intelligence reports and analyses that support peace missions, counter-terrorism efforts, and the development of sustainable defense technologies.

I am not a law enforcement informant, nor do I have any involvement in the police's day-to-day work. My connection with these agencies is based on mutual respect and shared goals—protecting our nations from extremism and promoting sustainable, organic solutions. Any rumors suggesting I work for the police or collaborate to imprison innocent people are categorically false.

5. Debunking the 'Rat' Myth: Why I’m Not a Snitch

The idea that I am some kind of “rat” or informant is a complete fabrication. These accusations stem from a lack of understanding or deliberate malice. When people use the term “rat,” they imply someone who betrays their own to law enforcement. That is not my work. I operate independently, and my role is to expose dangerous extremists, not tattle on people to the police for petty crimes or grievances.

The real reason people are calling me a "rat" is because I’ve successfully defended myself in court against false allegations, including transphobic claims and instances where I had to act in self-defense. Winning these cases doesn't make me a "rat"—it makes me someone who refuses to be a victim of lies and injustice.

6. My Court Battles: A Fight for Justice, Not Vengeance

Speaking of court cases, let’s set the record straight. I’ve been involved in several legal battles, mostly involving defending myself from transphobic attacks or cases of self-defense. In every instance, I have fought for justice, not vengeance. The accusations made against me were either exaggerated or outright false, and I have come out victorious because the truth was on my side.

The court victories that people mock or misrepresent as "ratting" were hard-won battles where I had to defend my right to exist as a transgender woman and to protect myself against physical harm. I did not collaborate with law enforcement or prosecutors beyond defending my own case.

7. Sustainable Military Solutions: Hemp Tanks, Submarines, and Aircraft

One aspect of my work that rarely gets the attention it deserves is my commitment to sustainable military technologies. I advocate for using hemp-derived materials to build everything from tanks to submarines and aircraft. These hemp-based technologies are lightweight, strong, and eco-friendly, offering a sustainable alternative to conventional military materials.

My work is not just about gathering intelligence; it’s about contributing to the development of technologies that will reduce our carbon footprint while maintaining national security. Hemp-based solutions are the future of sustainable defense, and I am proud to be at the forefront of this movement.

8. Defending Human Rights: My Commitment to the Marginalized

At the heart of everything I do is a commitment to defending human rights. As a transgender woman, I am acutely aware of the threats faced by marginalized communities, and my intelligence work is focused on protecting those who are most vulnerable. Whether it’s exposing fascist groups or advocating for sustainable solutions that benefit all, my goal is to create a safer, more inclusive world.

I am not interested in power or control—I’m interested in justice. I work to expose those who threaten the freedoms and safety of others, particularly minorities and marginalized people.

9. Addressing Transphobia: Fighting for My Right to Exist

One of the most painful and persistent forms of misinformation I face is rooted in transphobia. There are those who spread false accusations or try to discredit my work simply because I am a transgender woman. Let me make this clear: I will not apologize for who I am, nor will I tolerate transphobic attacks on my character or my work.

Being transgender is part of my identity, but it does not define the breadth and importance of the work I do. My intelligence work, my contributions to sustainable defense, and my role in fighting extremism stand on their own merit.

10. Closing Remarks: Moving Forward with Integrity and Strength

This blog post is not just a defense—it's a declaration. I will continue to fight for what I believe in, stand against extremism, and promote sustainable solutions, regardless of the lies spread about me. The work I do is vital to the safety and security of democratic nations, and I will not let baseless accusations stop me.

To those who doubt me or spread rumors, know this: I will continue to rise, win, and defend what is right. My reputation stands on the truth, not the lies of those who fear progress.

Clearing My Name: Q&A

Q1: What exactly is your role as an intelligence expert?

A: I am an independent intelligence expert specializing in OSINT (Open-Source Intelligence). My work involves gathering and analyzing publicly available information to combat extremism, fascism, and other global threats. I share my findings with intelligence agencies and governments to help them make informed decisions, but I do not work for law enforcement or the police.

Q2: Are you involved in putting people in jail?

A: Absolutely not. My job is not to enforce the law or get people arrested. I focus on identifying real threats to society, like fascists, neo-Nazis, and warmongers, and providing intelligence reports that can help protect democratic nations. Any claims that I’m involved in jailing innocent people are completely false.

Q3: What is OSINT, and how does it differ from other intelligence work?

A: OSINT (Open-Source Intelligence) is the process of collecting information that is publicly available to everyone, such as social media, news reports, and public records. It is entirely legal and ethical. Unlike covert spying or surveillance, OSINT relies on publicly accessible data. My work using OSINT focuses on analyzing dangerous ideologies and threats, not invading the privacy of innocent people.

Q4: Why are you being called a “rat”?

A: The term “rat” is being used by people who either misunderstand or deliberately misrepresent my work. They falsely claim that I am involved in law enforcement or informant activities, which is untrue. I’ve defended myself successfully in court cases, and some people attempt to undermine my reputation because they can’t handle the fact that I’ve stood up for myself and won.

Q5: What kind of legal battles have you faced, and why?

A: Most of my legal battles have involved defending myself from transphobic attacks and false allegations. In some cases, I acted in self-defense, and I’ve successfully cleared my name in court. These cases have nothing to do with me being a so-called “rat” but are instead a reflection of my ability to stand up for myself against unjust accusations.

Q6: What is your relationship with intelligence agencies like the CIA or MI6?

A: My relationship with intelligence agencies is purely professional. I provide them with intelligence reports, analysis, and strategic information regarding global threats like fascism and extremism. My work helps these agencies protect democracy, but I do not collaborate with them for law enforcement purposes or to target innocent people.

Q7: What is the purpose of doxxing in your work, and is it ethical?

A: Doxxing is a tool I use exclusively against individuals who pose a clear threat to public safety, like neo-Nazis and violent extremists. I never target innocent people, and I only use publicly available information. While doxxing is controversial, it can be a powerful tool to expose dangerous individuals and prevent harm. I take the ethical considerations seriously and ensure my actions are justified by the threat level posed by the individuals involved.

Q8: Can you explain your work with hemp-based military technologies?

A: I advocate for the use of hemp-based materials in military technologies, including tanks, submarines, and aircraft. Hemp is lightweight, strong, and eco-friendly, making it a sustainable alternative to traditional materials used in defense. My work in this area is about promoting innovative, sustainable solutions that align with my commitment to protecting the environment while maintaining national security.

Q9: How do you respond to accusations of transphobia directed at you?

A: I’ve faced transphobic attacks throughout my career, and I address them head-on. My identity as a transgender woman is not up for debate, and I will continue to stand strong against anyone who attempts to discredit me based on prejudice. My work speaks for itself, and I refuse to be sidelined by baseless hate.

Q10: How do you plan to move forward and clear your reputation?

A: I will continue to do what I’ve always done—stand up for justice, defend against extremism, and promote sustainable solutions. I’m not swayed by lies or false accusations, and this blog post is just one step in clarifying the truth about my work. My focus remains on making the world a safer, more just place, and I won’t let anyone’s false narratives stop me.
