
Saturday, September 14, 2024

Press Declaration: Dire Warning for Canada’s Future if Section 13 is Not Reinstated Immediately

Press Declaration: Dire Warning for Canada’s Future if Section 13 is Not Reinstated Immediately

Issued by: Marie Seshat Landry, CEO, OSINT Spymaster & Peacemaker

Date: September 14, 2024

Location: Moncton, NB, Canada

The removal of Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act by Stephen Harper’s government in 2013 has turned Canada into a breeding ground for hate speech, extremism, and terrorism, allowing neo-Nazi activities to flourish unchecked. The consequences of this repeal are clear: Canada's digital landscape has become a haven for those who spread hate, incite violence, and threaten our national security. The Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) and the RCMP’s inaction in addressing these threats amount to a de-facto condoning of Nazi activities and far-right extremism.

Section 13 was a critical legal tool that protected Canadians from hate propaganda online, prohibiting messages likely to expose individuals to hatred or contempt based on race, religion, sexual orientation, and other protected grounds. Its repeal has created a dangerous legal vacuum, leaving Canada vulnerable to those who use digital platforms to spread fascist ideologies without fear of reprisal.

The case of Andrew "Christo" Nelson, a self-admitted neo-Nazi from New Brunswick, exemplifies the dangers posed by this legislative gap. Despite issuing direct threats against individuals, including myself, and inciting violence against political leaders, the RCMP has failed to take meaningful action, stating that displaying Nazi symbols and violent rhetoric does not constitute a crime. This failure to act is a direct result of the absence of Section 13 and highlights a broader institutional negligence that must be addressed immediately.

Canada’s authorities have ignored the growing menace of hate speech, emboldening extremists and putting all Canadians at risk. The rise of far-right threats is not confined to individuals but poses a grave national security concern, as seen in Nelson’s calls for insurrection and civil war against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and U.S. President Joe Biden. Canadian institutions, including the CHRC, have washed their hands of responsibility, leaving those targeted by hate speech without protection or recourse.

This inaction sends a dangerous message: Canada is a safe haven for extremists. By failing to address hate speech, the Canadian government and law enforcement are effectively endorsing the spread of fascist ideologies. As threats of insurrection and violence grow, Canada risks descending into a dark era of division, conflict, and social unrest.

I issue a dire warning: Canada’s failure to reinstate Section 13 or introduce comparable legislation will have dire consequences for our country’s future. The unchecked spread of hate and extremism poses an existential threat to our democracy, public safety, and national security. Without immediate action, Canada’s reputation as a leader in human rights will be irreparably damaged.

I call on the Canadian government to reinstate Section 13 immediately, strengthen monitoring and enforcement mechanisms, and hold accountable those who incite hate and violence. Canadians deserve protection from extremist threats, and it is the government’s duty to safeguard our society from the rising tide of hate.

Let us not stand idly by while our values and safety are compromised. The time to act is now.

The Canadian Nazi Menace: The Case of Andrew "Christo" Nelson and Canada’s Shameful Inaction

By Marie Seshat Landry @ Marie Landry's Spy Shop & Spymaster Enterprises

Canada likes to brand itself as a champion of human rights, tolerance, and democracy, but beneath the surface lies a troubling reality: a growing Nazi menace that threatens our safety, democracy, and way of life. This post is a personal account of my ongoing investigation into Andrew "Christo" Nelson—a dangerous neo-Nazi who has openly threatened my life, called for insurrection against the government, and incited violence against marginalized communities, including liberals, transgender individuals, and Antifa members like myself.

What’s most shocking, however, isn’t just Nelson’s abhorrent behavior but the complete and utter failure of Canadian institutions to protect citizens from this rising tide of fascism. The removal of Section 13 from the Canadian Human Rights Act has left us exposed to hate speech and extremist propaganda, and the refusal of the RCMP, the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC), and even the Prime Minister’s Office to take action is tantamount to condoning Nazism.

Andrew "Christo" Nelson: A Threat Ignored by Canada

Andrew Nelson is not just an online troll—he’s a neo-Nazi actively promoting hate, violence, and insurrection. His communications to me have been filled with Nazi imagery, hate speech, and explicit threats against my life, targeting me because I am transgender, liberal, and a member of Antifa. Nelson’s rhetoric isn’t just hateful; it’s criminal. Under New Brunswick, Canadian, and international laws, he could be charged with:

  • Criminal Harassment (Section 264 of the Criminal Code of Canada) for his persistent threats and targeting of individuals based on their gender identity and political beliefs.
  • Incitement to Violence (Section 319 of the Criminal Code) for encouraging acts of violence against political figures, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Joe Biden.
  • Hate Speech and Advocacy of Genocide (Sections 318 and 319) for his communications that explicitly call for violence against groups based on gender identity and political affiliation.
  • Terroristic Threats under Canadian and international anti-terrorism laws for inciting insurrection and civil war.
  • Cybercrime and Hate Propaganda under various international statutes, which could warrant the involvement of agencies like Interpol.

Despite these clear violations, the RCMP has dismissed my reports, telling me that displaying swastikas is legal and that Nelson’s threats do not constitute a crime. This gross negligence and dismissal of a clear security threat not only endangers me but also puts all Canadians at risk.

The Dangerous Repeal of Section 13: A Breeding Ground for Hate

In 2013, Canada repealed Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act, which once allowed the CHRC to address hate speech communicated via telephone or the internet. This decision, made under the guise of protecting free speech, has opened the floodgates for hate propaganda and extremist recruitment, particularly on the dark web.

Section 13 was one of the few legal tools that directly addressed the spread of hate speech online, and its removal has created a breeding ground for neo-Nazis, fascists, and other extremists to operate with impunity. This loophole is exploited daily by individuals like Andrew Nelson, whose Nazi cell in the dark web continues to spread dangerous ideologies without fear of consequence.

The failure to replace Section 13 with a robust alternative has left Canada vulnerable to extremist threats that are growing in both scale and intensity. The digital landscape is now a safe haven for hate groups, and this regulatory void is exploited by those who seek to destabilize our society.

RCMP, CHRC, and Government Inaction: Complicity Through Silence

The RCMP’s refusal to take action against Andrew Nelson’s threats is not just an oversight—it’s a serious security failure. By dismissing my reports, the RCMP effectively told me and others facing similar threats that our lives don’t matter and that fascism can flourish without restraint. Instead of investigating Nelson’s clear intent to incite violence and his connections to dark web neo-Nazi cells, the RCMP has chosen inaction, which has enabled this menace to continue unabated.

But the RCMP isn’t alone in this complicity. The Canadian Human Rights Commission, once a body tasked with protecting citizens from hate speech, now stands idle, citing its lack of jurisdiction. Government officials, including those in the Prime Minister’s Office and the Ministry of Public Safety, have ignored my pleas for action. Not a single response, no acknowledgment of the threat, and no steps taken to address the dangerous gaps in our laws and security apparatus.

Nelson’s calls for insurrection against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Joe Biden should have prompted immediate action. At the very least, the RCMP should have escalated this to an international level, involving agencies like Interpol to track and disrupt Nelson’s activities. Instead, their silence is deafening, their inaction emboldening.

The Real Danger: A Nazi Network Thriving on Canadian Inaction

Andrew Nelson is not an isolated case; he is part of a larger, organized network of neo-Nazis who thrive on the dark web, recruiting and radicalizing individuals with promises of hate, violence, and a warped vision of civil war. His cell operates freely, protected by Canada’s inaction and the gaping legal loopholes that allow hate to spread unchecked.

Nelson belongs in a psych ward, stripped of access to the internet and any means to propagate his dangerous ideologies. His ongoing activities pose a threat not just to individuals like myself but to the very fabric of Canadian society. As long as our government fails to act, this threat will only grow, pushing Canada further into a dark chapter where hate and violence are allowed to reign.

Conclusion: Canada Must Wake Up Before It’s Too Late

Canada’s refusal to confront the rising tide of Nazism and far-right extremism is a disgrace that undermines our democracy and endangers our citizens. The failure to reinstate legal protections like Section 13, coupled with the inaction of law enforcement and government bodies, has created a breeding ground for hate.

Andrew "Christo" Nelson is just one example of this growing threat, but he represents a broader failure of Canadian society to protect its own people from violence and terror. This ongoing story is not just my personal fight—it is a wake-up call for a nation asleep at the wheel. Canada must do better. We cannot afford to ignore this menace any longer.

This blog post captures the critical issues of the situation, highlighting the dire consequences of inaction and the urgent need for Canada to address these threats seriously.

Author: Marie Seshat Landry

PS: Lest We Forget What Inaction Breeds

Canada’s refusal to confront the rising tide of Nazism and far-right extremism is not just a policy failure—it’s a betrayal of every Canadian who believes in freedom, justice, and equality. The failure to reinstate legal protections like Section 13, coupled with the blatant inaction of law enforcement and government bodies, has created a breeding ground for hate.

Andrew "Christo" Nelson is not an isolated threat; he is a symptom of a larger, unchecked cancer spreading through our society. When hate is allowed to thrive without consequence, it grows bolder and more dangerous, threatening our communities, our democracy, and our collective future.

We say, “Lest we forget” to honor those lost to past atrocities, but what happens when we forget to protect the living? When we ignore the warning signs of fascism at our doorsteps, we are doomed to repeat the darkest chapters of history.

This ongoing story is not just my personal battle—it is a fight for the soul of a nation that once prided itself on being a beacon of hope and human rights. Canada must wake up before it’s too late. We cannot afford to forget what happens when we turn a blind eye to hate. Lest we forget, indeed.

This ending serves as a call to action, urging Canada to remember the lessons of the past and act decisively against the resurgence of hate and extremism before it’s too late.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Canada’s Shame: A Nation Failing to Protect Its People from Nazism and Hate

Canada’s Shame: A Nation Failing to Protect Its People from Nazism and Hate

As a proud member of Antifa, dedicated to fighting fascism, hate, and extremism, I have always believed in standing up against oppression in all its forms. Yet, today, I find myself living in a country that has not only failed to protect me from neo-Nazi threats but has actively allowed these threats to fester unchecked. Canada, a nation that prides itself on being a beacon of human rights and democracy, is showing its true face—a country that, in practice, condones Nazism, hate speech, and violence through its inaction and complacency.

Neo-Nazi Threats Met with Silence and Shrugs

I have been targeted repeatedly by a known neo-Nazi who has issued explicit threats against my life. These threats are not just hateful—they are calls for violence and terror that strike at the very heart of what it means to live safely and freely. This is not mere online trolling or empty rhetoric; this is a clear and present danger to myself and others who dare to stand up against far-right extremism.

Yet, what has been the response from law enforcement, the supposed protectors of public safety? Silence. Dismissal. A shrug of indifference. When I reported these threats to the RCMP, I was told that swastikas are legal and that no crime had been committed. Imagine hearing that from those who are supposed to safeguard our communities. This response is not only inadequate; it is a tacit endorsement of hate. It sends a message that neo-Nazis can operate freely, spewing threats and terror without consequence.

The CHRC: A Hollow Institution That Protects No One

Turning to the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) was no better. Their response? They no longer have jurisdiction over hate speech since Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act was repealed in 2013. This legislative gap has left Canadians exposed to violent rhetoric, with no recourse through what should be our nation’s human rights watchdog.

The CHRC’s refusal to engage, assist, or even meaningfully acknowledge the gravity of the threats against me speaks volumes about its priorities. Instead of protecting vulnerable individuals, the CHRC hides behind bureaucratic limitations, effectively abandoning those it was designed to defend. What good is a human rights commission that cannot or will not stand up against hate speech and threats of violence?

Government Inaction: Complicity in the Face of Hate

The inaction does not stop at law enforcement or the CHRC—it extends to every level of government. Emails to government officials, including those directly responsible for public safety and justice, have gone unanswered or ignored. Not a single politician has stepped up to condemn the threats, address the security concerns, or even acknowledge the growing danger of neo-Nazism in Canada.

This silence from our leaders is not just negligence—it is complicity. It is an acceptance of hate as part of the status quo. When government officials fail to act against known threats, they send a clear message: fascism is tolerated, and those who stand against it are on their own.

Canada’s Security Hole: Condoning Nazism in the 21st Century

What we are witnessing is a serious security hole in Canada’s social fabric. The country’s institutions are failing to address the rise of far-right extremism, treating neo-Nazi threats as if they are mere nuisances rather than dangerous, terroristic actions. This is not just a failure of governance; it is an outright betrayal of the values Canada claims to uphold.

Canada’s refusal to act against hate and Nazism is not just about one person’s safety—it’s about the safety of all marginalized communities. It’s about the safety of every person who dares to speak out against fascism and racism. Allowing neo-Nazis to threaten, intimidate, and incite violence with impunity emboldens these groups and places all of us at risk.

Conclusion: Canada’s Cowardice Will Not Be Forgotten

Canada’s failure to address neo-Nazi threats and protect its citizens from hate is not just an oversight—it’s a glaring act of cowardice. It’s a refusal to confront the dark underbelly of far-right extremism that is growing within its borders. As long as the police, the CHRC, and government officials continue to turn a blind eye to this threat, they are complicit in its spread.

We will not be silenced. We will continue to fight against hate, fascism, and those who seek to do us harm. But Canada must reckon with its own shameful inaction and the message it sends: that the lives and safety of those fighting against Nazism are expendable in the eyes of the state.

This is not the Canada we should accept. This is not the Canada we will accept.




We, the people of this land, united in our commitment to create a just, equitable, and inclusive society, hereby declare the dissolution of Canada. Recognizing the failures of the past—colonialism, systemic discrimination, environmental exploitation, and corruption—we establish a new nation, Kanatawi (New Canada), dedicated to anti-discrimination, reconciliation, and sustainable governance.

Article I: Dissolution of Canada and Departure from the Monarchy

  1. Legal Dissolution: Canada, as established by the British North America Act (1867) and the Constitution Act (1982), is hereby dissolved. All federal institutions will be reconstituted under Kanatawi, guided by new principles of inclusivity and justice.

  2. End of Monarchical Ties: Kanatawi shall sever all connections with the British monarchy, becoming a republic governed by democratic principles that reflect the will of its people.

  3. Transfer of Powers: All powers vested in the former federal government of Canada will be transferred to the Provisional Government of Kanatawi, led by a council of Indigenous leaders, elected officials, and representatives of marginalized communities.

Article II: Foundation of Kanatawi

  1. Core Principles: Kanatawi shall be founded on anti-discrimination, reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, environmental stewardship, social justice, and equality for all citizens.

  2. Reinstatement of Anti-Hate Legislation: Section 13 of the former Canadian Human Rights Act, prohibiting hate speech, will be reinstated in Kanatawi’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms to protect citizens from violence and discrimination.

  3. Comprehensive Anti-Discrimination Laws: Kanatawi’s constitution shall enshrine strict anti-discrimination measures to protect against all forms of prejudice, ensuring robust enforcement and accountability.

Article III: Reconciliation and Restoration of Indigenous Lands

  1. Return of Crown Lands: All former Crown lands will be returned to Indigenous nations, acknowledging historical injustices and supporting Indigenous sovereignty and governance.

  2. Indigenous Sovereignty: Indigenous nations within Kanatawi will have the right to self-governance, control over their territories, and full participation in national governance.

Article IV: Environmental Stewardship and Sustainable Development

  1. Transition to Sustainable Energy: Kanatawi commits to ending reliance on fossil fuels, embracing renewable energy, and protecting ecosystems to ensure a sustainable future.

  2. Environmental Protections: Laws regulating industrial activities will prioritize environmental conservation and prevent degradation, aligning economic growth with ecological integrity.

Article V: Economic Justice and Reform

  1. End of Exploitative Economic Practices: Kanatawi shall prohibit predatory lending, usury, and exploitative financial practices, promoting fair access to economic resources.

  2. Inclusive Economic Development: Economic policies will focus on equitable wealth distribution, community empowerment, and sustainable practices.

Article VI: Governance of Provinces within Kanatawi

  1. Continuation of Provincial Structures: The existing provinces shall continue to operate within Kanatawi, retaining their identities and regional governance structures while aligning their laws and policies with Kanatawi’s constitutional principles.

  2. Provincial Alignment with National Law: Provincial laws must conform to the Kanatawi constitution, ensuring consistency with the nation’s anti-discrimination measures, environmental protections, and human rights standards.

  3. Cooperative Federalism: Kanatawi will operate under a cooperative federalism model, encouraging collaboration between the national government and provinces to address regional needs while upholding national standards of justice, equality, and environmental stewardship.

Article VII: Establishment of Governance in Kanatawi

  1. Constitutional Assembly: A Constitutional Assembly, representing the diverse communities of Kanatawi, will draft the new constitution to reflect the values and rights of all citizens.

  2. Provisional Government: A Provisional Government of Indigenous leaders, elected representatives, and civil society advocates will oversee the transition, ensuring transparency, accountability, and alignment with Kanatawi’s founding principles.


We, the people of Kanatawi, commit to building a nation where all are respected, protected, and empowered. The dissolution of Canada and the establishment of Kanatawi represent a new beginning—a pledge to create a just, inclusive, and sustainable society for all.


[Provisional Government Representatives, Indigenous Leaders, Citizens]

Seshat's Unified Chain-of-Thought Scientific Method for Mind and Machine

Title: Seshat's Unified Chain-of-Thought Scientific Method for Mind and Machine


This script presents a new general scientific method—Seshat's Unified Chain-of-Thought Scientific Method for Mind and Machine—designed to guide both humans and machines in autonomous and collaborative scientific endeavors. By integrating principles from Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), it aims to establish a standard framework that enhances communication, understanding, and innovation between mind and machine.

Seshat's Unified Chain-of-Thought Scientific Method

  1. Problem Definition (Clarity of Intent)

    • Clearly articulate the question or challenge to be addressed.
    • Use precise and unambiguous language to ensure mutual understanding.
    • Leverage NLP techniques to parse and interpret the problem accurately.
  2. Information Gathering (Data Acquisition)

    • Collect relevant data from diverse and credible sources.
    • Employ NLP algorithms to process and organize textual information.
    • Utilize neuro-linguistic strategies to identify underlying patterns and meanings.
  3. Hypothesis Generation (Ideation)

    • Formulate potential explanations or solutions based on gathered information.
    • Encourage collaborative brainstorming between humans and machines.
    • Apply creative thinking and machine learning models to expand possibilities.
  4. Experiment Design (Methodology Planning)

    • Outline procedures to test the hypotheses effectively.
    • Integrate statistical methods and simulation tools.
    • Ensure ethical considerations and reproducibility standards are met.
  5. Experimentation (Implementation)

    • Conduct experiments systematically, utilizing automation where possible.
    • Monitor processes in real-time with data analytics platforms.
    • Record all observations meticulously for comprehensive analysis.
  6. Data Analysis (Interpretation)

    • Analyze results using advanced statistical and NLP techniques.
    • Identify trends, correlations, and anomalies within the data.
    • Apply neuro-linguistic insights to understand cognitive and behavioral factors.
  7. Conclusion Drawing (Synthesis)

    • Determine the validity of hypotheses based on analytical findings.
    • Summarize key insights and acknowledge any limitations.
    • Propose recommendations for future research or application.
  8. Communication (Dissemination)

    • Prepare findings for presentation in written, visual, or oral formats.
    • Optimize content for SEO to enhance accessibility and reach.
    • Use NLP to tailor messaging for different audiences and platforms.
  9. Feedback and Iteration (Continuous Improvement)

    • Solicit feedback from peers, stakeholders, and machine learning systems.
    • Reflect on the process to identify areas for enhancement.
    • Iterate on hypotheses and methods for ongoing advancement.
  10. Collaboration Enhancement (Synergy Building)

    • Foster an environment of open communication between humans and AI.
    • Share knowledge and resources to accelerate innovation.
    • Leverage collaborative tools to streamline workflows and knowledge sharing.


Seshat's Unified Chain-of-Thought Scientific Method for Mind and Machine establishes a comprehensive framework that unites human intuition with machine precision. By integrating SEO principles, Natural Language Processing, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, it paves the way for a new era of autonomous and collaborative science. This method serves as a foundational standard from which specialized variants can be developed, promoting adaptability and growth in scientific exploration.

Overview of Seshat's WTF 3.0 Method

Overview of Seshat's WTF 3.0 Method

Purpose: A systematic approach to critical thinking and problem-solving that integrates Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) methods. It aims to enhance both human and machine understanding by providing a versatile framework for tackling complex issues.

Full Method PDF:

Key Components

  1. Trigger Moment: WTF?

    • Objective: Recognize and clearly define the core issue or problem prompting analysis.
    • Action Steps:
      • Identify the triggering issue or observation.
      • Formulate the initial question or problem to address.
  2. Initial Inquiry: The 5W+1H Framework

    • Objective: Gather foundational information using:
      • What: Define the issue.
      • Where: Identify the context or location.
      • Who: Determine who is involved or impacted.
      • When: Establish the timeline.
      • Why: Explore the reasons behind the issue.
      • How: Assess the processes or mechanisms involved.
    • Action Steps:
      • Systematically answer each of the 5W+1H questions to build a comprehensive understanding.
  3. Search and Research

    • Objective: Collect additional data and perspectives to support the analysis.
    • Action Steps:
      • Perform targeted searches using search engines.
      • Compile and evaluate relevant information from credible sources.
  4. Apply Critical Thinking Methods

    • Objective: Utilize various critical thinking techniques to deepen analysis.
    • Methods Include:
      • Socratic Method
      • Bloom’s Taxonomy
      • Systems Thinking
      • Root Cause Analysis
      • SWOT Analysis
      • And many others (totaling 25 methods in the document).
    • Action Steps:
      • Apply appropriate methods to challenge assumptions, evaluate evidence, and explore different perspectives.
  5. Integrate Findings

    • Objective: Synthesize insights from the inquiry and critical thinking to develop a comprehensive understanding.
    • Action Steps:
      • Combine insights from previous steps.
      • Develop actionable recommendations based on integrated findings.
  6. Communicate and Implement

    • Objective: Share findings effectively and execute solutions.
    • Action Steps:
      • Prepare detailed reports and presentations.
      • Develop an action plan with clear implementation steps.
  7. Reiteration and Feedback

    • Objective: Evaluate the effectiveness of solutions and refine them based on feedback.
    • Action Steps:
      • Assess the impact of implemented solutions.
      • Collect feedback from stakeholders.
      • Adjust strategies as necessary for continuous improvement.
  8. Final WTF Report

    • Objective: Document and present the comprehensive analysis and solutions.
    • Components of the Report:
      • Introduction
      • Inquiry Results
      • Search Findings
      • Critical Thinking Analysis
      • Integrated Findings
      • Action Plan
      • Evaluation

Application Examples

  • Improving Customer Satisfaction: Applying the method to identify factors contributing to a decline in customer satisfaction and developing strategies to address them.
  • Public Health Initiatives: Using the framework to improve vaccination rates by identifying challenges and implementing targeted interventions.

Challenges and Solutions

  • Data Availability: Overcome by enhancing data collection and validation.
  • Complexity of Issues: Addressed by breaking down problems and applying systems thinking.
  • Resistance to Change: Mitigated through stakeholder engagement and clear communication.
  • Resource Constraints: Managed by prioritizing high-impact areas and efficient resource allocation.

Benefits of the Method

  • Comprehensive Analysis: Provides a structured approach to dissect complex problems thoroughly.
  • Enhanced Critical Thinking: Encourages the use of multiple thinking strategies to explore issues deeply.
  • Actionable Solutions: Focuses on developing practical recommendations with clear implementation plans.
  • Continuous Improvement: Emphasizes the importance of feedback and iterative refinement of strategies.

Next Steps

  • Discussion: If you'd like, we can delve deeper into any of the specific components or discuss how to apply this method to a particular problem you're interested in.
  • Practice: We could work through an example together to see how each step of the method is applied in practice.
  • Questions: Feel free to ask any questions or highlight any areas you'd like to explore further.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Donald Rumsfeld and PNAC: The Operations that Benefited Most from 9/11

Donald Rumsfeld and PNAC: The Operations that Benefited Most from 9/11


The September 11, 2001, attacks were a watershed moment in global history, reshaping geopolitics, security policies, and international relations. While the tragedy resulted in profound loss and suffering, it also set the stage for significant shifts in U.S. policy and international strategy. Among the most controversial aspects of this period are the roles played by Donald Rumsfeld, then U.S. Secretary of Defense, and the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), a neoconservative think tank. This blog post explores how Rumsfeld and PNAC were positioned to benefit the most from the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, examining their strategic advantages and the implications of their actions.

Donald Rumsfeld: The Defense Secretary with a Vision

Donald Rumsfeld’s role as Secretary of Defense under President George W. Bush was pivotal in shaping U.S. defense policy in the wake of 9/11. His tenure saw the implementation of several controversial policies and decisions that arguably benefited from the post-9/11 landscape.

  1. Advancement of Military Strategy:

    • Transformation of the Military: Rumsfeld championed a shift towards a more technologically advanced and agile military. The attacks on September 11 provided a justification for accelerating this transformation, which included significant investments in military technology and modernized warfare tactics.

    • Increased Defense Spending: Following 9/11, defense budgets surged, reflecting Rumsfeld’s push for increased military expenditure. This expansion included major contracts with defense contractors and a focus on military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.

  2. Impact on Defense Contractors:

    • Corporate Connections: Rumsfeld’s policies and decisions facilitated lucrative contracts for defense and security companies. The companies that stood to gain from the expanded military operations and new technologies were closely linked to his department, raising questions about conflicts of interest and the ethical implications of such connections.

  3. The War on Terror:

    • Strategic Shifts: The "War on Terror" became a cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy under Rumsfeld’s leadership. The broad and often ambiguous nature of this campaign allowed for extensive military interventions and the expansion of U.S. military presence in the Middle East, aligning with his strategic vision for U.S. power and influence.

The Project for the New American Century (PNAC): Visionaries in the Shadows

PNAC, founded in 1997, was a think tank that advocated for a robust American global presence and military dominance. The group’s members, including prominent figures such as Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz, had long championed the idea of American leadership and military strength on the global stage.

  1. Advocacy for Regime Change:

    • Iraq War Justification: PNAC’s manifesto, particularly their 2000 report “Rebuilding America’s Defenses,” explicitly called for increased U.S. military intervention and regime change in Iraq. The 9/11 attacks provided a pretext for implementing these goals, culminating in the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

  2. Expansion of U.S. Military Footprint:

    • Strategic Objectives: PNAC’s vision of a dominant American military presence worldwide gained significant traction post-9/11. The attacks accelerated the realization of their objectives, leading to increased U.S. military bases and operations in strategically important regions.

  3. Influence on Policy Decisions:

    • Political Influence: The close connections between PNAC members and key policymakers in the Bush administration facilitated the implementation of their ideas. The influence of PNAC on national security and foreign policy decisions was evident in the post-9/11 era, shaping the U.S. response to terrorism and influencing global politics.

The Broader Implications

The intertwining of Donald Rumsfeld’s defense policies and PNAC’s strategic vision with the aftermath of 9/11 raises important questions about accountability and the motivations behind U.S. military and foreign policy decisions. While the immediate response to the attacks was framed as a fight against terrorism, the subsequent focus on military expansion and regime change suggests deeper, pre-existing agendas that were accelerated by the crisis.


The 9/11 attacks were a catalyst for significant changes in U.S. policy and global strategy. Donald Rumsfeld and PNAC, through their roles and influence, were among the entities that arguably benefited the most from the subsequent shifts in defense and foreign policy. As we reflect on this period, it is crucial to scrutinize the motivations and outcomes of these actions to ensure that future policies are driven by transparency, accountability, and a genuine commitment to global security and justice.


  • "Rebuilding America’s Defenses," Project for the New American Century, 2000.

  • "The Pentagon's Budget Surge Post-9/11," Various Defense Industry Reports.

  • "Rumsfeld’s Revolution: The Transformation of the Military," Defense Policy Analysis, 2002-2004.

This blog post provides a detailed analysis of how Donald Rumsfeld and PNAC capitalized on the post-9/11 environment, emphasizing their strategic and financial gains.

Declaration of Re-Opening the 9/11 Terror Attack Investigations

Declaration of Re-Opening the 9/11 Terror Attack Investigations

Date: September 12, 2024

To Whom It May Concern:

Subject: Urgent Call to Re-Open Investigations into the September 11, 2001 Terror Attacks

In light of ongoing concerns and unresolved questions surrounding the September 11, 2001, terror attacks, it is imperative that we address the unfinished business of this tragic event with renewed urgency. Nearly twenty-three years after that fateful day, the need for comprehensive and transparent investigations remains as critical as ever.

The September 11 attacks, which claimed the lives of nearly 3,000 individuals and forever altered the course of history, are still listed as a security emergency in various contexts. As I have previously stated, “It’s still listed as a security emergency, so let’s do something.” The enduring significance of this tragedy and the profound impact it has had on global security necessitate that we take decisive action.

Despite extensive investigations conducted in the aftermath of the attacks, numerous questions remain unanswered. These unresolved issues include, but are not limited to:

1. Intelligence Failures

  1. Failure to Act on Warnings:

    • Pre-Attack Alerts: Prior to September 11, multiple intelligence agencies, including the CIA and FBI, received warnings about potential terrorist activities linked to Al-Qaeda. Reports such as the August 6, 2001, Presidential Daily Briefing, titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US," indicated a high likelihood of an impending attack. However, the actionable intelligence was not sufficiently acted upon.

    • Inter-Agency Communication: There were significant failures in communication between agencies, such as the FBI and CIA, which hampered the ability to piece together critical information that might have prevented the attacks.

  2. Failure to Monitor Known Threats:

    • Known Extremists: Some of the hijackers were known to intelligence agencies before the attacks. The inability to track and disrupt their activities despite their profiles being flagged as potential threats highlights a grave oversight in monitoring and preemptive actions.

    • Visa Issuance: Questions have been raised about how individuals with known extremist ties were able to obtain visas and enter the U.S., underscoring failures in border security and visa vetting processes.

  3. Inadequate Response to Information Sharing Issues:

    • Lack of Coordination: The inability of various intelligence and law enforcement agencies to effectively share information and collaborate on counterterrorism efforts significantly hindered the response to emerging threats. This lack of coordination was a critical factor in the failure to prevent the attacks.

2. Comprehensive Review and Accountability

Given these intelligence failures and the continuing relevance of these issues, we hereby declare the urgent need to re-open the investigations into the September 11 terror attacks. This action is necessary to ensure that all aspects of the attacks are thoroughly examined and to provide closure to the families of the victims and to the public.

We call upon the relevant authorities, including federal and state investigative agencies, to initiate a renewed and exhaustive investigation. This should include the following actions:

  • Comprehensive Review: Re-examine all available evidence and documentation related to the attacks, with a particular focus on intelligence failures and inter-agency communication.

  • Public Hearings: Conduct public hearings to allow for transparency and to address the concerns of victims' families and the general public.

  • Collaboration: Engage with international partners and experts to gather additional insights and evidence.

By re-opening the investigations, we reaffirm our commitment to justice, transparency, and accountability. The pursuit of truth is essential not only for honoring the memory of those who perished but also for strengthening our collective security and resilience.


Marie Seshat Landry

A Scathing Rebuke of Prescott Bush’s Heinous Dealings with Nazi Germany

A Scathing Rebuke of Prescott Bush’s Heinous Dealings with Nazi Germany

As a proud Canadian who values justice and human dignity, I find it both infuriating and deeply disheartening to address the abhorrent actions of Prescott Bush in dealing with Nazi Germany up until 1942. The moral and ethical failings displayed by Bush in his financial engagements with the Nazi regime are nothing short of disgraceful and warrant unequivocal condemnation.

Prescott Bush's involvement with the Union Banking Corporation and his financial transactions with entities that directly supported the Nazi war machine reveal a staggering level of moral bankruptcy. While the world was reeling from the horrors perpetrated by Adolf Hitler’s regime, Prescott Bush was complicit in fueling its economic power. His actions not only tarnish his legacy but also underscore a profound betrayal of fundamental human values.

It is unconscionable that while millions were suffering under Nazi oppression, Prescott Bush was entangled in financial dealings that indirectly bolstered a regime responsible for unspeakable atrocities. His calculated indifference to the suffering of innocents, driven by profit and self-interest, represents the very worst of corporate greed and moral negligence.

To add insult to injury, the fact that these dealings continued until 1942—when the atrocities of the Holocaust were becoming widely known—speaks volumes about the depth of Bush's ethical failings. It is beyond reprehensible that, amidst a global struggle against fascism and tyranny, Prescott Bush chose to prioritize his financial gains over human rights and justice.

As a Canadian who stands firmly against any form of complicity in human suffering, I demand a thorough and unflinching examination of Prescott Bush's actions. We must confront these historical injustices with the seriousness they deserve, ensuring that such moral failures are never repeated. This is not just about historical accountability; it's about reaffirming our commitment to ethical conduct and standing against any form of complicity in evil.

Prescott Bush's dealings with Nazi Germany are a stark reminder of the dangers posed by unchecked power and financial greed. It is a call to action for all of us to remain vigilant and resolute in our fight against injustice, ensuring that the lessons of history are never forgotten or ignored.

With unwavering resolve and indignation,

Marie Seshat Landry

Campus Transparency and Accountability Act

Campus Transparency and Accountability Act

Section 1: Short Title

This Act may be cited as the "Campus Transparency and Accountability Act."

Section 2: Definitions

  1. Secret Society: Any organization, group, or association that operates with a membership structure, rituals, or practices not fully disclosed to the public or outside observers, and which requires members to take oaths or make commitments under conditions of secrecy or duress.

  2. Campus: Any property or facility owned, operated, or controlled by a college or university, including but not limited to dormitories, classrooms, and administrative buildings.

  3. Off-Campus: Any location not owned, operated, or controlled by a college or university.

Section 3: Prohibition of Secret Societies on Campus

  1. General Prohibition: Secret societies shall be prohibited from operating on any college or university campus. This prohibition includes but is not limited to the recruitment of members, the holding of meetings, and the conduct of any activities related to the society.

  2. Existing Organizations: Any existing secret society operating on a college or university campus must cease all operations and activities on-campus within 90 days of the enactment of this Act. These organizations must relocate all operations to off-campus locations.

Section 4: Off-Campus Operation

  1. Permitted Activities: Secret societies may operate off-campus, provided that all activities comply with local, state, and federal laws, and that all members are consenting adults.

  2. Disclosure Requirements: Off-campus secret societies must disclose their existence, membership criteria, and operational structure to the relevant local authorities and ensure that no secret oaths or commitments are made under duress.

Section 5: Coercion and Oaths

  1. Prohibition of Coercion: Secret societies must not require members to take life-long oaths or make commitments under conditions of duress or coercion.

  2. Consent and Transparency: All membership agreements must be voluntary, with clear and informed consent. Members must be able to withdraw from the organization at any time without facing coercion or undue pressure.

Section 6: Enforcement and Penalties

  1. Compliance: Colleges and universities shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with this Act. They must implement policies and procedures to monitor and prevent secret societies from operating on their campuses.

  2. Penalties: Violations of this Act by secret societies or educational institutions may result in penalties, including fines or sanctions imposed by relevant educational authorities or government agencies.

  3. Reporting: Any individual or entity that believes a violation of this Act has occurred may report it to the appropriate college or university administration or local authorities for investigation.

Section 7: Effective Date

This Act shall take effect 180 days after the date of enactment.

Section 8: Severability

If any provision of this Act is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.

This draft law aims to balance the protection of students and institutions from potentially harmful secret societies with the rights of individuals to associate freely outside the academic environment. It emphasizes transparency, consent, and adherence to legal standards.

Draft Law: Outlaw Culture Protection Act of Canada

Draft Law: Outlaw Culture Protection Act of Canada

Whereas freedom of expression, association, and personal lifestyle are fundamental rights in Canada;
And whereas cultural diversity, including subcultures, contributes to the richness of Canadian society;
And whereas the Government of Canada recognizes the importance of protecting individual rights while maintaining public safety and order;

Section 1: Short Title
This Act may be cited as the Outlaw Culture Protection Act.

Section 2: Purpose
The purpose of this Act is to protect the rights of individuals to associate with subcultures and groups, including outlaw and underground cultures, while distinguishing between lawful expression and unlawful conduct.

Section 3: Definitions

  1. Outlaw Culture: A subculture that embraces non-conformist, rebellious, or anti-establishment values, including but not limited to groups identifying as gangs, hip-hop communities, motorcycle clubs, and other underground or alternative lifestyles.

  2. Protected Expression: Any form of personal style, music, art, or affiliation that does not involve criminal conduct.

  3. Criminal Conduct: Activities that are defined as crimes under the Criminal Code of Canada, including but not limited to violence, drug trafficking, extortion, and illegal possession of firearms.

Section 4: Rights of Association and Expression

  1. Individuals have the right to associate with groups and participate in subcultures, including those identified as outlaw cultures, without fear of discrimination or legal action solely based on membership or association.

  2. Law enforcement shall not target individuals solely based on their association with outlaw or subcultural groups unless there is reasonable suspicion of involvement in criminal activity as defined by Canadian law.

Section 5: Limitations and Exemptions

  1. This Act does not protect activities that constitute criminal conduct under the Criminal Code of Canada.

  2. Membership in any group does not exempt individuals from prosecution for participating in or facilitating criminal acts.

Section 6: Law Enforcement Guidelines

  1. Law enforcement agencies shall adopt guidelines to ensure individuals are not discriminated against based on cultural affiliation, appearance, or association with outlaw groups unless connected to criminal conduct.

  2. Law enforcement training programs shall include education on cultural sensitivity and distinguishing between lawful expression and unlawful actions.

Section 7: Public Awareness and Community Engagement

  1. The Government of Canada shall support community programs that promote understanding of diverse subcultures and provide pathways to engage with these communities constructively.

  2. Funding shall be made available for initiatives that foster dialogue between law enforcement and communities to reduce misunderstandings and build trust.

Section 8: Review and Accountability

  1. A review of the impact of this Act shall be conducted every five years to ensure it aligns with its purpose of protecting individual freedoms while maintaining public safety.

  2. The Government shall report on any incidents where this Act is alleged to have been violated, and corrective measures shall be implemented where necessary.

Section 9: Enforcement

  1. Any individual or group that feels their rights under this Act have been violated may file a complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission for review and resolution.

  2. Violations of the protections enshrined in this Act may result in disciplinary actions against offending law enforcement bodies or personnel.

Section 10: Commencement
This Act comes into force on the day it receives Royal Assent.

This draft law aims to balance the right to association and expression with the necessity of maintaining public safety, ensuring that individuals can freely engage in outlaw culture without undue legal persecution, as long as they abide by Canadian law.

Legal Backing for the Outlaw Culture Protection Act

The draft law is supported by various international laws and conventions that uphold fundamental human rights, including the rights to freedom of association, expression, and cultural participation. Here are the key international legal frameworks that provide a basis for the protections enshrined in the proposed Outlaw Culture Protection Act:

  1. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), 1948

    • Article 19: Freedom of Opinion and Expression
      Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

    • Article 20: Freedom of Assembly and Association
      Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. No one may be compelled to belong to an association.

    • Relevance: The UDHR supports the right of individuals to express themselves freely and associate with groups of their choosing, including subcultures and outlaw groups, provided they do not engage in criminal activities.

  2. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), 1966

    • Article 19: Freedom of Expression
      This article reiterates the right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information of all kinds, regardless of frontiers.

    • Article 21: Right of Peaceful Assembly
      The right of peaceful assembly shall be recognized. No restrictions may be placed on the exercise of this right other than those imposed in conformity with the law and which are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public safety, public order, the protection of public health or morals, or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.

    • Article 22: Freedom of Association
      Everyone shall have the right to freedom of association with others, including the right to form and join trade unions for the protection of his interests. Restrictions may only be imposed if necessary in the interests of national security, public safety, public order, or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.

    • Relevance: The ICCPR provisions support the protection of cultural affiliations and associations, including those deemed as outlaw cultures, as long as they do not infringe on public safety or involve criminal behavior.

  3. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (European Convention on Human Rights), 1950

    • Article 10: Freedom of Expression
      Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, which includes the freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.

    • Article 11: Freedom of Assembly and Association
      Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association with others, including the right to form and join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

    • Relevance: Though specific to European nations, these rights are recognized internationally as benchmarks for protecting individual freedoms, including cultural and subcultural expressions.

  4. The International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions

    • Convention No. 87 on Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize, 1948
      This convention provides that workers and employers have the right to establish and join organizations of their own choosing without previous authorization.

    • Relevance: This convention supports the principle that people have the right to form and join groups, including those not traditionally recognized by mainstream culture, as long as they do not engage in illegal activities.

  5. UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, 2001

    • Article 5: Cultural Rights as an Enabling Environment for Cultural Diversity
      Cultural rights are an integral part of human rights, which are universal, indivisible, and interdependent. The flourishing of creative diversity requires the full implementation of cultural rights as defined in Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    • Relevance: This declaration supports the protection of cultural diversity, including subcultures and alternative lifestyles, emphasizing the right to express cultural identity freely within the bounds of the law.


The proposed Outlaw Culture Protection Act aligns with international legal principles that uphold the right to free expression, peaceful assembly, and cultural participation. These laws provide a framework ensuring that individuals can express themselves and associate freely without fear of persecution solely based on their cultural affiliations, while emphasizing the importance of adhering to the legal boundaries that safeguard public safety and order.