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Universal Declaration of Relational Diversity and Polyamorous Rights

Universal Declaration of Relational Diversity and Polyamorous Rights


Recognizing the inherent right of all individuals to define and pursue their relationships free from societal judgment, stigma, or legal discrimination, this declaration affirms the value of consensual and ethical non-monogamy, including polyamory. It celebrates relational diversity as an expression of human freedom and connection.


Article 1: Right to Relational Autonomy

Every individual has the right to establish and maintain relationships of their choosing, including consensual and ethical non-monogamous relationships, without interference or discrimination.

Article 2: Right to Equality and Non-Discrimination

No individual shall face discrimination in personal, professional, or societal contexts based on their relational choices, including their participation in polyamorous or diverse social networks.

Article 3: Right to Mutual Respect

All relational participants, regardless of the structure of their relationship, are entitled to mutual respect, dignity, and fairness in their interactions.

Article 4: Right to Privacy and Security

The privacy of individuals in polyamorous relationships, as well as the confidentiality of their personal dynamics, shall be respected and protected.

Article 5: Right to Consent and Transparency

All individuals in polyamorous relationships have the right to full disclosure, open communication, and mutual consent in all relational arrangements.

Article 6: Freedom to Associate and Socialize

Every person has the right to associate freely, cultivate social circles, and maintain friendships and connections that align with their values and preferences, without prejudice or external restrictions.

Article 7: Recognition of Relational Diversity

Societies and legal systems are encouraged to acknowledge and support relational diversity, including polyamory, as a legitimate and enriching form of human connection.

Article 8: Protection from Stigma and Harm

Governments, institutions, and communities must take measures to prevent and address stigma, harassment, or harm against individuals practicing consensual non-monogamy or forming diverse social networks.

Article 9: Right to Education and Awareness

Efforts should be made to promote understanding, acceptance, and respect for polyamorous lifestyles and relational diversity through education and public awareness campaigns.

Article 10: Affirmation of Community and Solidarity

Polyamorous individuals and communities have the right to form supportive networks and engage in collective advocacy to ensure the protection of their rights and interests.

**Marie Seshat Landry**
* CEO / OSINT Spymaster
* Marie Landry's Spy Shop
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